you guys really know yer stuff! Cool!
Ok. Gumby, yeah, I agree, everything points to the fact that the poor kid was toast. What I had been referring to was the whole making the frivilous vow and smoke offering thing. But to tell ya the truth....
Narkissos... uhm. ok... I am really tired. And I have read and reread your point, but while I Know that everyone else get's what yer saying. Um, ( I feel so stupid) .... Dumb it down for your average American airhead. I am not sure of what you're trying to say. Plus it's a Saturday night and I've had a couple drinks and what not.
Anyhoooo... I remember seeing this on a Discovery channel show a year ago and was shocked that the rest of the world was under the impression that this poor girl was a burnt offering. I looked it up in my good ol' NWT and was fairly confident. After reading so many different things, yeah, it doesn't look good for this girl.