Actually for me believe in the bible as God's word has become more of an axioma, a sort of 'basetruth' that you can rely on. You have to have something like that, otherwise you come into an endless regression (toy say something is the foundation, but you need proof for that, but that means that that proof is more basic, so the actual foundation, but then you'll need proof of that proof etcetera).
Well you may feel the Bible is God's word to be a basic truth you can rely on,,but to the contrary it has been proven to be very unreliable and full of contridictions.
I don;t have proof that my foundation is 100% correct, but I do have arguments that support it.
Ok lets look at the supportting arguements:
It helps that the bible seems to be historically correct, learns you wise lessons, contains fullfilled prophecies,
It does contain some historical information but time and again it is shown to be inacurate,,take the contridictions in the four gospels about the event in the life Jesus,,they give different time frame that contridict each other. you can learn both wise lessons and also some very bad lessons.
say things about the world that the writer couldnt have known, plus the bottomline of the bible, love god above all and your neighbour as yourself, is a very wise lesson and if you hold to that you will live a good life.
There are no such things in the Bible. The bible writer never displayed knowledge that was beyond ken. Are you making this stuff up???
If you ask me the question, is the bible true? Then I will answer yes. If you ask me are you 100% sure of that, then I will answer no. That's mostly because im not 100% sure about anything (besides cogito ergo sum and some intrinsic contradictions).
It not even close to 100% true. Did you ever wonder why all these great miracles mentioned in the bible don't occur anymore?? Doesn't that make you suspicious? How come God don't due these threatrical type miracles today?? Is because perhaps these miracles never happened in the first place?? It should make one stop and thinK?
But besides all the above, I agree with what Pascal ones said. Suppose you believe in the bible and turns out the bible is true, then you go to paradise. Suppose you believe in the bible and it turns out that its not true, then at least you lived a good life. Suppose you dont believe in the bible and it turns out to be true, then you do not go to paradise. Suppose you dont believe in the bible and it turns out not to be true, then it all depends on how you filled in your life, you could have had a good or a bad life. But either way, believing seems more profitable in this case. Maybe a better analogy: Suppose you work at the airport as security personel, and you get a phonecall that theres a bomb on the airport, wouldn;t you take it seriously? Yes you would. Why? Because IF ITS TRUE, the damage it does by NOT believing this caller is going to be tremendous. Of course you know that there are things like prankcalls, but the fact that those exist isnt enough reason to judge this particular call as a prankcall. Again, the damage if its real is too great. This is, for me, a very good reason to take the bible as a starting point.
Well seems like Pascal was trying to rationalize beleif in the bible. The whole rational is blind sided. Beleiving in a lie is not more profitable either way.
So according to your above reasoning then,, if you got a crank call that said a bomb went off at the airport and your flight has been cancelled. What would you do? Just beleive it because it is probably true?? That's what you are doing with bible.
Even if there was no proof, its not deductively correct to say that because theres no proof, its false. So what you are saying doesnt make sense logically ;)
But what if there is lots of proof that the bible is in no way the word of God,,are you just to ignore it?? While I think it good not to disbeleive everything somethings should not be believed if they make grandeous claims with no supporting reasonable proof,,such as the bible which is claimed to be the word of the creator of eveything. I think resonableness would require some proof.
And I am not trying to judge you, what I did was telling you guys what your replies look like and that I'm looking for other forms of replies to 'falsify' the JW, and if that doesnt happen, then they might be the truth after all. But Im not concluding that yet ;) Im no way near there.
Well it seems to me that you are very pro-witness in your argumentation,,but I might be missreading you. You may just be playing devils advocate.