Intelligent Design

by Delta20 234 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simon
    It seems that our entire universe has been "fine-tuned" for life

    Well, what you should say is that it has been fine tuned for our specific form of life. ie. whatever form of life develops in each universe will be the one most suited to it.

    Kind of like a garden, the plants that grow best are the ones most suited to grow in that environment - it's not that the garden has been designed to suit a particular type of plant !

  • outoftheorg

    Quite often gardens are designed for a particular plant. We design aquariums for a specific fish and use particular plants to fit. However>

    I don't "believe" anything anymore if it is about God or creation.

    Since we can't prove our side or sides or disprove them.

    I think there is a "possibility" that a supreme being exists. If so, he/she/it could use evoloution as the way to create. It is also "possible" he/she/it did not and "intelligent design" was the choice.

    I don't know, you don't know, religion can't be trusted, scienitist's have made mistakes.

    In light of all this ignorance "mine" I refuse to let it bother me. It is a non issue.


  • frenchbabyface

    ... ...

    but if you want my 2 cents ... oh well

  • Simon
    Quite often gardens are designed for a particular plant. We design aquariums for a specific fish and use particular plants to fit

    I should have said "patch of land" ... not a cultivated artificial environment.

  • Simon

    I think it comes down to:

    You either believe that primitive life developed from natural processes that can produce some order and that we can see happening around us. The life improved over time and over the course of millions of years of gradual improvement has become varied and complex with traceable common features. Before the universe that it exists in there was no universe and hence, no time (because no gravity) so there is never really a "before the universe". Like trying to go North from the North Pole.

    or ....

    You believe that the most complex and incredible creature ever (only one) suddenly existed or else always existed (with no explantaion) and is obsessed with some miniscule planet in the whole cosmos. Oh, and he get's tired out once a week so that he can't do a thing to help the miniscule creatures on the miniscule planet that he is obsessed with (but can otherwise keep cranking the big "universe handle")

    I know which one I believe and which one I think is a cock and bull story.

  • ballistic

    Simon, your example of the weeds or plants growing in a garden is an example of what is known as the "anthropic priciple", typically applied to the universe in describing "why things are the way they are".

  • Satanus
    It seems that our entire universe has been "fine-tuned" for life.

    Really?? If so, then why is the vast majority of it devoid of life? If the above statement were true, then one would expect it to be teeming w life. So far, except for on earth, no life has been found even in our solar system, which includes many planets and quite a few moons. So far, no other life has been detected. Empty space is also empty of life. Talk about jumping to or starting w conclusions!


  • outoftheorg

    I think that one of the things we often do not consider in our rigid statements about life and how and where it started and what started it, is.

    What do we consider life to be? Isn't it usually considered life, if it somehow, some way resembles US AND WHAT WE KNOW about life here on THIS planet.

    Could there be other forms of life, that we can not even see?

    Could there be life on another planet that is in a different dimension, or here on this planet that are in a different dimension.

    Could there be a form of life that does not even need a planet on which to live?

    Could there be life so minute, that we can not detect it, or so large that we see it and do not recognize it as life? Is this earth a living entity?

    Lots of questions, no answers.

  • Valis
    I should have said "patch of land" ... not a cultivated artificial environment.

    Don't you mean allotment Old Man Greene?

  • confusedjw
    You either believe that primitive life developed from natural processes that can produce some order and that we can see happening around us. The life improved over time and over the course of millions of years of gradual improvement has become varied and complex with traceable common features. Before the universe that it exists in there was no universe and hence, no time (because no gravity) so there is never really a "before the universe". Like trying to go North from the North Pole.

    In this case what I can't get my mind around is how male and females would be "gradually created" over thousands of year and yet have complimentary organs.

    Confusedjw of the "I really don't know what to believe" class

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