Hello Delta,
Good summary. I have read most of Bebe?s book and also a good one called ?The Case Against Darwin? (or close). I go along with ID to the extent that I agree that evolution?s contention that mutation and natural selection are NOT complete explanations of our present life systems.
However, complexity does not alone support intelligent design, although I personally believe in intelligence and design were involve. If we allow science to stick to science we can understand their resistance to
1 Conceding to ?intelligence? because that would require a possessor of intelligence which CANNOT be supported by any evidence or even a theory.
2 Complexity can be explained by means other than an intelligent designer.
3 Even defaulting to an intelligent designer does not substantiate an invisible Guy in the Sky. With our limited knowledge science could argue an AI system did it all without any real intelligence our even consciousness. It could also be argued that, rather than an invisible Guy in the Sky, the intelligent design was the result of a guy named Steve who had a great chemistry set and access to a Worm Hole and as a hobby made all conditions right for life and started the ball rolling. I realize this is preposterous but it is also as un-provable scientifically as the Guy in the Sky explanation.
Despite the above comments, I personally believe there was intelligent design. But that is my faith, not science.
I hope the two, faith and science, will work together some day. But for now the line is often blurred in the minds of those who think their faith is scientific.
Good post, Delta
sorry for the editing, I'm having an awful time converting from MSword to a readable post