Is pantheism a form of omnipresence?

by LittleToe 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch
    Given the findings of quantum theory, I wonder whether or not the underlying energy of which our universe(s) is constructed is inately "intelligent", and at least having a laugh at our expense


    Have you read some of Teilhard De Chardin's writings? I think you may find his comparable ideas interesting. While he is talking about an overall evolution from consciousless matter to the more complex and conscious (eventually reaching God/ the Omega Point), if I understand him correctly he says that from the beginning that matter implicitly has the spiritual/God/psychic and the whole process is just about making it explicit.


    Are christians as part of Christ's metaphysical body part of God? A limited pantheism of sorts?

    Edit: - In Vinnie Barbarino's voice " Limited pantheism? I'm so confused!!!"

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    My understanding of Pantheism is that it has many gods, like the god of the sun or sun god, eagle god, fish god, tree god, wolf god ect. I dont know of a brand of pantheism that believes in the One true God. In fact they worship mother earth.

    D Dog

  • LittleToe

    DD:Did you read the links at the start of the thread?
    Is it pantheon-ism or pan-theism?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Are christians as part of Christ's metaphysical body part of God? A limited pantheism of sorts?

    I would say not, just "joint-heirs with Christ"!

    D Dog

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    Is it pantheon-ism or pan-theism?

    I don't think there is much of a difference

    "Scientific or natural pantheism is a modern form of pantheism that deeply reveres the universe and nature and joyfully accepts and embraces life, the body and earth, but does not believe in any supernatural deities, entities or powers."

    "When scientific pantheists say WE REVERE THE UNIVERSE we are not talking about a supernatural being."

    I don't care how you slice it. They worship and serve the creature more than the Creator

    D Dog

  • LittleToe

    Methinks ye may be missing the point of the thread

    When you feel awe at a sunset, do you worship?
    When you read a passage of scripture that inspires you, do you worship?
    When you eat a midday snack, do you remember to worship?

  • Narkissos


    The concept of creation doesn't belong in pantheism.


    As for your doubts of "symbolic" constructs having much to do with the matter/energy relationship, why does this have to be "imaginary", rather than "mind over matter"?
    I'm not sure there is a difference between what I call "symbolic" and "imaginary", and what you call "mind".
  • LittleToe

    I guess that specifically "imagination" conjours up an image of fantasy, rather than reality, to me.

    Im not adverse to using symbology in active visualisation, but I see that as a different thing from fantasy.

  • Sunnygal41

    Satanus, love that avatar, tell you the truth, I haven't really done any intellectualizing on the info. on the site. I loved the pictures that the words evoked in me, and to be truthful, much of how I responded was on the emotional level.........I'm awed at the way things are put together and work in our material world.........I guess I'm not a deep thinker........more of a deep feeler? that makes sense? Those are good questions tho............. Ross, have you and Chiron been chattin' again? Ter

  • Satanus


    While there are different forms of pantheism, the one with which i am familiar describes the universe and it's 'creator' as one. Ie, the creator appeared as/in the universe. The big bang, if that is indeed what happened, was the birth of the creator and the universe as virtually the same. As such, there is only one.

    While this is approximately my view, worship is totally out for me. It seems totally rediculous. I enjoy a beautiful sunset, but worship the sun?? Please.


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