life sucks and then...
I can't take it any longer...........................goodbye
by AloneinOh 103 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, I hope you're not saying what I think you are.
You must be joking. Give us a reply back man.
I hope your gonna come back and enlightenen us on what your statement means.
Um . . . Are you really serious??
Call Someone from your employment or whatever to talk about this before doing something rash!
NewLight2 -
Black Sheep
I've just logged in and found your post, AloneinOH
It scares me. I took a look at your posts. It seems like you are finally getting things together with your parents at last. This is a really bad time to go giving up on anything.
Please ring your Dad and talk, talk talk. If you can't do that, talk to us. You are not alone any more.
I don't know if you are still here AloneinOh (I hope so). If you can read me, I want you to know that even if life suck sometime, it always gets better as time goes on. We're all human here and we all have our bad time but the sun always come after the rain. When I was around 19 years old, I was contemplating suicide msyelf, but I got some help with a psychologist and now, it gets better everyday. All you need is some help. Asking help doesn't mean that you are coward.
Alone, I am Pming you my yahoo messenger ID if you want to talk...I feel the same alot but it does get better if you just ride it out..
Please think about this.
check your pm if youre still on here...and bttt