We got a command at the service meeting tonight - the KM article on the Summer District Conventions said if we are dining out we really should tip 15-20% minmum -this was repeated twice = good to know the witnesses are getting less tight
KM article -tip minimum 15%
by stillajwexelder 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Uh-uh. I don't tip. I don't believe in it. I don't tip because society says I gotta. I tip when somebody deserves a tip. When somebody really puts forth an effort, they deserve a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, that shit's for the birds. As faras I'm concerned, they're just doin their job
I carry a plastic laminated card around with me so I know exactly what to tip -
TresHappy of the anal retentive class!
hmmmmm..that rule has been out for at least 10 years.....
Of course, I know when being in Canada that rule doesn't exist...............I about flipped out when our Candian tipped with only 10%...
In a tipping arrangement (such as table-side food service) doing the job properly should assure a proper tip. The server should not have to go out of their way excessively to receive their 15% (or whatever the going % is in your city-- it can be more in larger areas.)
I think the JWs are being counseled to tip 15% because they are known service industry wide as cheap-asses. When I was waiting tables as an active JW, I was always embarrassed when the witnesses would come in, especially in a party. It was well-known that JWs as a group, (and especially in a large group) would run you to death, then tip very little. I would often try to wait on the table if I thought they were JWs, so as to spare the "bad witness" that I knew would inevitably happen when the group was super-demanding, then leaving just a few dollars on a large tab.
Now, I know that there would be plenty here that say "but I ALWAYS tipped, even as a JW." Fine, I know. but trust me, adequately tipping JWs are not the norm, and the service industry in areas where JWs are well known, also profile them as non-tippers. Don't worry, other fundie religions are the same. Although Mormons tend to be really good tippers. Too bad they don't drink and have a big tab. LOL!
The fact that it made the KM, shows this is a huge problem. Believe me, if I were a food service worker in a convention town on the conv weekend, I would quit or call in sick. It wouldn't be worth the minimum wage, run your feet off, 6 hour shift.
*off my soapbox*
Don't give me that. She don't make enough money, she can quit.
right. do you actually know how hard a server works? Didn't think so. And she can quit? Quit and do what? Do you know any other job that allows the kind of flexibility time-wise that waiting tables does? How many people put themselves through school waiting tables? Do you think they are doing it on their wages?
Some states are lucky. Like Oregon. You get State minimum wage at least, + tips on top. Some months I made $2500 working less than 30 hours. But I worked harder to make that money than any other job I ever had. Most states though, have food server wages which can be as low as $0/hour. Many states come in at $2/hour or so.
The federal government assumes you are making at least 8% of your sales in tips and taxes you for that amount. You can declare more, but unless you can prove you received less, the government doesn't give an exemption for tipping environment workers. Also, if you receive your tips on a credit card slip, that % is applied to all your sales. So if your card tips = 15-20%, the IRS assumes you got that amount on your cash sales too, and taxes accordingly.
Personally, I feel that people who aren't willing to tip, shouldn't eat at restaurants where that is customary. YOU are the one who should just leave. If you don't make enough money or have enough ethics to tip properly, don't eat there.
you actually know how hard a server works?
So's working at McDonald's, but you don't feel the need to tip them. They're servin ya food, you should tip em. But no, society says tip these guys over here, but not those guys over there.
a worker in McDonald's gets paid just for being on the clock. Some sit-down establishments that's not the case. There is more training, and like I said, the government assumes you made the money.
But sounds like you found the solution. Eat at McDonalds. You should not be eating at a normal establishment if you cannot see your way through to tip properly.
Odra, Odra, I'm just joshin ya. I was cutting and pasting everything I said from the resevoir dogs script. I'm a gross-overtipper in real life. Your arguement was very convincing tho :)
Ias just bein a troll :)
IP *the prick* Sec