I agree in principle as long as the service is decent. If it is atrocious, there will be no tip!
I guess they don't want to look like cheapskates because so many dubs are going out to eat in convention cities! They only care because poor tipping will reflect on them and not because they care about waiters/waitresses in general. Unless, oops I forgot, maybe some dubs have jobs as waiters/waitresses and the tips aren't so good.
I don't like when they start giving advice like this because they really don't approve of secular work to begin with. They were always saying we should spend as little time as possible on a secular job. Some years ago they were saying you should give two weeks notice to an employer. I had a disagreement with a sister over this because there are instances when an employer does not deserve any notice.
KM article -tip minimum 15%
by stillajwexelder 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
IP_SEC don't make me open a can of whoop-ass on you.
Tipping is an integral part of American culture and the IRS charge "tipped" workers for that 15-20% whether or not they get it.
So stop being such a Dub tight ass...
Who could take a 15-20% pay cut.... of course it goes without saying that the service must be good. And if it isn't you should have the balls to tell them or the management why you're not leaving a tip.
Most people CAN'T just get a different job. Most high-end waiter jobs are 100% tips.
Nuff said....
This has got to be a classic KM!
Where in the Bible does it say you have to tip 15 to 20%? Did they give a scripture?
Could someone scan and post this article?
I think the reason this has become a sensitive point and the WTS feels it necessary to give instructions on tipping is that in general the JWs do not tip well, and this fact is impacting the ability of the Watchtower to make arrangements with hotels at assembly and convention times.
During the 1958 World convention in New York City, hundreds of thousands of Witnesses came from all over the world. So many that it strained the capabilty of the city, and the Witnesses were found out to either tip not at all or very little. New York City passed a law afterwards, banning the gathering of 100,000s of people at conventions from then on!
What's the difference between a JW and a canoe?
A canoe is more likely to tip.
I won't go out to eat if I don't have enough to tip.
There have been a few rare times when I haven't tipped though: this one time, the waitress took about 20 minutes to take our order, never stopped by to see how we were doing, then it took at least 30 minutes AFTER we had finished eating to get the check. And that was after waiting about 15 minutes we went to the hostess station and asked if we could get our bill. We were told we could only get it from the waitress. We told them if we didn't get it in 5 minutes then we would consider the meal free and do a dine and dash.(yeah we should have left 10 minutes earlier, but my bark is bigger than my bite and I was afraid we would get reported. We were frequent diners there).
I think that was the worst service I have gotten. There have been a few other waitresses that have been rude or just plain crappy. 20% to me is for superior service, and 15% for good service. Usually if I get a crappy waitress I will still leave at least 10%. However, if I get someone that you can tell is still wet behind the ears...if they are NOT that great, but are at least polite I will still tip them at least 15%.
I used to be a waitress, so I appreciate what it is like to live off tips. But that being said, you shouldn't be made to feel that tipping is mandatory if the service is really bad. If you cannot live on your tips, maybe you should : A. try to get employment at a more upscale restaurant; B. get out of the waiting tables business.
By the way, most waiters and waitresses I knew never reported 100% of their tips.So no, they probably are not losing 15 to 20% of their wages, per another poster here. In fact, I ended up losing a waitress job because I was the only one that was. The manager told me that I was making everyone else look like they were lying. I told her that was between me and the IRS. Well, next week, I only got 1 shift, and so forth...I finally had to leave. The manager made it clear to me I wasn't the "team" player on that point I guess.
Also, if you don't make enough tips to make a min wage (It was like 4.25 when I was last waitressing) the employer has to pay you the difference. I don't know if that is a federal or a state law, so if it is federal, then there isn't really any waitresses making $2 an hour any more.
Yeah the pay still sucks, but if you don't like it, you really should do something so you don't get stuck working as wait staff unless you really want to.
I have worked as a waitress and it was darn hard work. I made really good tips though.
I usually tip big. I will add more money on the table when going out with others, or just plain offered to pay the tip.
I have ruined the evening putting more money on the table after the date left a scimpy tip.
It is a pet peeve with me. Although, if the service is not good I will not leave anything.
I also tip at hotel rooms for the room service. I find they will take better care of your stuff and give extra towels and it just shows you are appreciative, and who knows, I might need something while I am there that they will be able to help me.
Uh-uh. I don't tip. I don't believe in it. I don't tip because society says I gotta. I tip when somebody deserves a tip. When somebody really puts forth an effort, they deserve a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, that shit's for the birds. As faras I'm concerned, they're just doin their job
Well, if you return to the same restaurant I hope you enjoy the flavor of spit and kitchen floor grease. If you are known as a no tipper I guarantee you're eating it.
This has got to be a classic KM!
Not really just standard district convention reminders
Robert K Stock
I have heard that during the 1958 Convention in New York, the cab drivers said that the Witnesses came to town with the Ten Commandments and a ten dollar bill and they won't break either one.
Serving the public is one of the worst jobs. I tip 15%.