Dear Saint Jerome,
I do not have all day to dispense with the sum total of mendacious and unjustified vilifications thrust at my faith today. Rather, I need to devote time to things that are "more important." Having said the foregoing, I just have to take time off from other "more important" pursuits to defend myself against your muddle-headed comments.
:Holy Jaboney, larc. Whoa!
I've enjoyed this interplay so far, but there has been a sea change. Clearly you are getting as serious as a heart attack on this one. You could easily have just given this guy the digitus impudicus/infamis, but now you have upped the ante (you must play mindless cards) and are nailing his callow ass to the xylon. Put up or shut up.:
The only change in the "sea" (good word!) has been the scenario that brother larc chooses to present. His first few thought experiments were shown to be barren, vapid, and devoid of any true substance (essentia). He now resorts to vague questions and trap queries in an attempt to put a true follower of Christ to the test. But Duns is way ahead of him.
You also mention my "callow [behind]." How would you know anything about my rectum? Are you one of those homosexuals the Bible says will not inherit God's Kingdom? With all due respect, you have never seen my behind, sir. How would you know it was "callow"? Then again, you could be talking about my donkey. But if larc nailed it to a xulon, he could possibly have animal cruelty charges brought against his "callow" anus.
:Now Duns is demonstrably naked and out of his league, which heretofore has been relegated to words for the sake of words, for the truly experienced vs. cognoscenti to see. He is not an elder!:
1) You have no way of knowing whether I am naked or clothed. You're not standing here in my bedroom with me, nor are you peering at my lovely soma over a webcam. I certain THINK I am clothed.
Furthermore, you don't have the brains to know which league I am really in, dear saint. There is thus no way for you to tell whether I am in or out of my "league" (whatever that nebulous signifer means) at present.
2) Words are hardly ever uttered for the sake of words. Maybe that is your practice. It is certainly not the Subtle Doctor's. Lewis R. Gordon (Brown University) eloquently writes:
"Intellectuals have a peculiar relationship with words. Unlike academics, whose relation to words tends to be that of technicians, the intellectual LIVES through the world of words. Words paint realities. They dance, tiptoe, from line to line, paragraph to paragraph."
Saul Kripke's notion of rigid designation vis-a'-vis counterfactual situations and codesignative entities also illustrates the ability of meaningful phonemes to create realities. Read _Naming and Necessity_ sometimes, if it is not "out of your league."
3) When did I say I was an elder? I think the Doctor manifestly stated he was not!
Fighting to eschew the show-off jargon.>>
Have you witnessed any show-off jargon on this board? I must have missed such ungodly behavior. But do not worry. Jehovah will take care of anyone who seeks to stumble his "saints" by utilizing show-off jargon.
Duns the Scot