Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing

by dunsscot 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Englishman


    I think that you may well have a backed a loser in choosing to challenge issues relating to paedophilia amongst JW's.

    I was brought up in a witness household, my father was a PO who had to deal with several cases of abuse by males against their own daughters - and I witnessed the confession with my own ears - , indeed one case in our local congregation resulted in the father being imprisoned for several years.

    Also, I met both Chitty and his pal Clay at the London Bethel, I am not talking about being gay here, I am talking about meeting someone who is 100% QUEER, which is a lot different!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • teejay


    I notice this is your first post. So, considering the topic, I'm a little uncomfortable saying "welcome." Newbie to, not to life. I fully understand the difference.

    It's a damn shame that you saw fit to make your entry to on this particular thread. Personally, I can't say that I "like" dunsscot (the author of this thread) but he does amuse me. His style... uh... tickles my brain. Don't hold the thread against him. He's a victim, too. He just may not be aware of it.

    That being said, bear with my following bluntness: I don't hate many things and very very few people (I can't think of any), except men who abuse women and men who abuse children. I have a young daughter, and the man/woman who fools with her in that way will pay, and I don't mean from Caesar. See, I'm a vigilante at heart, so... well... take it from there.

    Even though I don't know you, your experience pains me to my heart. No child, no place, should have to bear that kind of horror all life long. The perpetrator of it, if they are put to death, should not be mourned, even though a good percentage of them were similarly abused as youngsters. Once you've lived through something, you should know the pro and con of it. Pedophiles who have lived through the hell of it, but pass it on, are not to be pitied.

    We look forward to your comments on other matters. Hope you can help ohters, knowing what you know.


  • waiting

    Hello Isis,

    Welcome to our forum. As you've read, we talk & debate all sorts of things - from fried chicken to child molesters to the Bible. And all sorts of personalities & backgrounds.

    I am an incest victim/survivor (father not a jw) and my daughter is a molestation survivor of a ministerial servant.

    With that background in mind - there are several threads going on right now which might be hard to read, but very pertinent for rape survivors.

    Please take care - and remember, this thread will be gone by next week. But we all need to take care of ourselves so that we'll still be around - here or somewhere else.

    Btw, a great joke thread is a *must* visit - and this one even has my name on it! Makes for a great chuckle - and don't we all need one.

    Welcome again,


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Duns claims he doesn't have time to deal with all the arguments and facts thrust at him; he does however have time to respond ad nauseum to (and with) jibes and personal remarks. He also has time to wax grandiloquent on his chosen rants. He never has time to fully and honestly respond directly, though, to pointed questions.

    This follows a pattern set by a certain JW apologist on another forum. THIS IS NOT COINCIDENCE. Let those with discernment take note; those who refuse to learn from their past history are always doomed to repeat it. Duns has not yet learned form his past mistakes. He's still a sneaky bastard and smugly impervious to facts.

    I honestly wonder how men of this stripe can ever sleep at night. While he enjoys his online intellectual dilettantism, he ignores all reminders that people are suffering irreversible griefs as a direct result of his religion's policies. He is keenly aware that if he were honest and posted under his real name, he would yet again fall under the critical scrutiny of those whom he defends. Thus, once more, he invents 'personae' with which to enjoy the dangerous savor of 'touching the unclean thing'. The hypocrisy of this behavior apparently escapes him.

    This highfalutin form of trolling disgusts me. Duns and his other 'personae' should get some collective balls and face a discussion of the facts with one genuine voice. The same voice that publicly endorses the Watchtower Organization!

  • dunsscot

    Dear larc,

    No, I don't expect to be enlightened on JW policy, and no this is not a form of entrapement. Your term was trap queries, and I am not trying to put you in a "figurative bind." I want you to see the world the way it is. Let us start with good old uncle Charlie who butt fucked a little boy. What would you do if he was a "wordly person" and what would you do if he was a baptized member of the congregation?:

    I am not an elder, as I have stated before. Therefore, are you asking me what I would do if I was serving in the capacity of an older man? If so, I'm sure you already know that there are two different types of relations that obtain in the life of a JW when it comes to the manner in which he or she relates to a member of the world over against relating to a member of the Christian congregation. For example, Christians are told that they should not take a fellow Christian to court. But we are free to enter into litigation with a worldly person. However, even in the case of the worldly individual, a Christian should not hastily enter into legal conflict for the purpose of retribution or personal gain. I think the same principles that obtain in the case of lawsuits, properly apply to cases of "alleged" rape.

    Even if a young man comes home and says that Uncle Charlie has forced him to perform anal sex, Uncle Charlie is still an "alleged" molester. At the very least, my personal opinion is that the parents should call the elders for advice, whether Charlie is a brother or not. The parents should then insist that the matter be looked into and handled in an expeditious fashion. Subsequent to the elder's handling of the event, the family could seek professional help for the boy and even seek legal remuneration, if circumstances necessitate such action. (If Uncle Charlie is disfellowshipped, he is no longer a brother. The family can then press charges against him with no reservation at all.) The foregoing is my personal viewpoint and does not represent that of the Watchtower Society.

    :Now, let's talk about the rape case, since you want some definition. She comes home and her clothes are torn and she has scratch marks on her face and arms. Her eyes are glazed over and she can hardly talk. Is that enough of a criterion for you? If the rapist is a wordly boy, what would you differently than if he was a respected member of the congregation?:

    Thanks for your expanded definition. Again, I'm still not sure that we could conclude the girl was raped, according to the conditions you set out above, however. Maybe the girl was involved in a fight. Perhaps she was in an accident of some kind. Furthermore, its quite possible that she is a good actor, and is only pretending that something happened to her at the hands of a sexual aggressor.

    I am not trying to belittle your example. It just seems that you have not clearly posited a case of rape. You have yet to say that the girl even SAID she was raped. I know that a verbal articulation of the fact is not required before one believes it. But the conditions you depict above could apply to a number of situations. We're playing for keeps here. Let's dot our 'I's' and cross out 'T's'. Surely we would have to have some type of evidence to go on before we start calling the police.

    :Now, regarding the girl who is a schizophrenic, is it really up to the parents when they are told that the only place to go is to the elders at the Kingdom Hall? Since "meat in due season" does not include anything about major psychoses, I think mom and dad would not be prepared to make informed judgments.:

    Who would tell parents that the only place they can take their daughter for help with her paranoid delusions is to the elders? I would certainly never give anyone such counsel. If a person is physically sick, they need a professional physician. I know bothers and sisters that have worked with "worldly" counselors in the past. No one kept them from seeing these men or women, who deal with mental problems and situations involving abuse. In fact, I strongly recommend seeing counselors in certain situations. Nevertheless, the parent has to make the decision in the previously mentioned case.

    Duns the Scot

  • dunsscot

    Dear Englishman,

    I think that you may well have a backed a loser in choosing to challenge issues relating to paedophilia amongst JW's.:

    My original concerns dealt with Sydlik and Greenlees as well as the Dateline program. I also wanted to have verifiable evidence that could provide sufficient warrant for the charges that have been leveled against JWs on this board.

    For the record, I know that pedophiles are in the Organization of JWs. While contemplating this issue at work today, I was even able to recall one man that I KNEW molested children in the past. But I thought he had repented and that God had forgiven him. He had also suffered legal recrimination at the hands of the superior authorities. So I'm definitely not denying there is a problem in the Organization.

    I just disagree with the numbers put forth by Amazing or others here. I also think that a reliable scientific survey verifying the claims of Silentlambs has not been produced. Lastly, don't you think that someone should produce some type of evidence before they start insinuating certain GB members were/are pedophiles?

    Duns the Scot

  • peterstride

    Duns, you must agree that "evidence" will be hard to produce when the victims are intimidated into silence, to "keep the organization clean in the mind of the world", don't you think?

    When victims are made to feel guilty if they were to go to the police, how much hard evidence will there be? Still, the truth will come out, one way or the other.

    While I was a "faithfull" JW, I would have never even imagined that there were ANY pedophiles in the organization (even though I knew of one such case, and kept thinking that it was just one isolated case).

    The Dateline program will be interesting to see, for sure.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • dunsscot

    Dear Isis,

    I'm sorry that you had to relate your painful past experiences on this board to putatively provide empirical evidence for Duns. Duns was not asking for specific individuals to come forth and tell their stories on this board . He was more concerned with rumors about certain GB members and certain claims that seem to be no more than "sound and fury." But never think that I need to have statistics and figures in my hand before I believe anything is alethic. I often find that I distrust stats more than lived existence.

    My heart sincerely goes out to you,

    Duns the Scot

  • dunsscot

    :Duns claims he doesn't have time to deal with all the arguments and facts thrust at him; he does however have time to respond ad nauseum to (and with) jibes and personal remarks. He also has time to wax grandiloquent on his chosen rants. He never has time to fully and honestly respond directly, though, to pointed questions.:

    I love you, mommie. You brighten my day with your every winsome utterance. You show me where I am in error and you always provide inestimable counsel to direct my feet back on the path of righteousness. If it wasn't for my mommie, I don't know what I would do. Why, I would probably stop being one of Jehovah's Witnesses and become one of those people, who thrive on spiritual darkness. Thanks for all of your help, mommie.


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "Why, I would probably stop being one of Jehovah's Witnesses "

    Naw...only honest people do that Greg. Absolutely no fear on that point...

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