The girl at your house: You said that you only brought that up to make a point. If so, then others should be allowed to ask questions about this case, which I did.:
I did not fault you for asking questions about the case. I am criticizing your observation that something must have been wrong with the girl because I did not comment. My failure to respond had nothing to do with any difficulties the child might be presently undergoing.
You wrote:
The girl in your home: there is something wrong - you failed to comment.>>
Do you care to expound upon this nebulous, ambiguous statement? It implies that there is either something wrong because I failed to comment, or that the "something wrong" is somehow associated with the topic we have been discussing. At any rate, the girl is functioning quite nicely in our JW environment. She has stayed with us before--up to a year--and she adjusts well to a home that is stable, one that emphasizes transcendent values and authentic respect and love for the other. So, something is/is not wrong with the girl.
<<I said that a girl who falsely accuses a man of rape may have emotional problems. It is a diagnostic indicator. Your last post indicates that I was right.>>
I do not think you are right, larc. Without hearing the full story, your 'diagnosis' will of necessity be flawed IMHO. First, the girl did not just make up a story about a man raping her. Something occurred that she erroneously INTERPRETED as "rape." But when we asked what the young boy did to her (after talking to her mother), without coaching her, she admitted that he did not try to violate her in a sexual manner. This young lass simply was employing the wrong terminology to relate an event she truly had experienced in the company of a certain young man.
<<The girl has a rotten home life. Notice, in this thread and the last one I used the term "falsely accused." Why did you miss that? You mention again that this does not mean that she was raped. I do believe that is what the term "falsely accussed" does mean.>>
I may have overlooked this part of your email in the hustle and bustle of replying. I will concede that point.
:I will state is (sic) again. If a child has a sudden change in affect and/or personality, this is a "diagnostic indicator" that something is wrong. I did not say it meant that the child was abused. If the parents can't figure out the problem with a few questions, they should seek medical advice.:
I think you are wrong. Why rush to a doctor in this case? Why bypass the elders so quickly? Let's also remember that your original example dealt with the child coming home after visiting a Witness. My comments must be taken in their proper context.
:The problem could be anything from a vitamin deficiency to rape and a whole myriad of possibilities between these extremes. For a parent not too seek professional advice is irresponsible.:
A change in "affect" or even a depressed episode after returning from brother and sister Duns' house does not mean parent X should rush his or her child to a doctor. That is simply absurb!
You are of course only providing bits and pieces of the puzzle and not giving sufficient details that we need in order to adequately reply to your comments. For instance, you have not told us how depressed the child has to be, how drastic the change in affect or personality is, nor how long the duration of the depressed mood has to be before a parent takes his/her child to the doctor.
:Bergman: In the forward, I state my disagreements with Gerry, which are significant. He chose to include it anyway.:
Maybe we can talk about your disagreements with Bergman sometimes.
:Sydik and Greenlees: Since I never wrote on this subject, why don't discuss this on another post, rather than commingling it with your comments to me.:
I keep bringing up Sydlik and Greenless since that was the primary reason I started this thread. So far, not much has been said to help answer my question about these men.
:Organizations: You did not need to define what symbiosis means. I fully understand the term. I also am fully aware of the relationship between the individual and an organization.:
If you knew what symbiosis denotes, why did you misinterpret my statement to mean that the organization is more important THAN the individual? I did not say that!
Duns the Scot