Does the Bible interpret itself, or a fiddle you can play any tune with?

by Rod P 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    K then LT........what is it then ya big smartypants? When you and others are eatin cookies without me up there inside the pearly gates.....ain't ya all a kingdom?


  • rebel8

    My opinion: Religions and individuals develop their hopes and theories and then try to superimpose them on the bible to make them "true".

    The Old Testament is scientifically/historically inaccurate and contradicts itself; therefore, it was not written/inspired by an infallible being. The gospels were written by people who didn't personally witness the things they wrote about (hearsay), they contradict each other, and contain unbelievable/illogical things. The rest of the New Testament is bizarre--misogynistic and well, what can I say about Revelation? The writer seems to have been dropping acid.

    The bible is really a group of separate short stories written by humans. It is a nice work of ancient literature. Nothing more.

  • gumby
    The Old Testament is scientifically/historically inaccurate and contradicts itself; therefore, it was not written/inspired by an infallible being

    Then howdya think the bible knew rabbits chew their cud thousands of years before modern man knew it?

    *trys ta git tricky*


  • Rod P
    Rod P


    If yur gonna akuse me of sumpin', den at leest get yer faks strait. Now pay attention, Gumby, cuz I'm gonna gib ya a test, and I want ya ta skore bedder dan 90%!

    Obviously, you didn't pay attention to Luke 17:20-21:

    So for the hard of hearing, here it is agin:

    And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said (Jesus speaking), The Kingdom of God cometh not with observations. Neither shall they say, Lo here, or, Lo there! for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.

    Another thing Gumby, ol' Boy, who's the Apostate here? You or me?! Simple: Whose the believer and who ain't? So there, smarty pants!

    Now Gumby, you have fallen into the trap of the literalists. You think the only possibility for a Kingdom just has to be physical. Can't see fur lookin'. Can't see past yur noze fur another angle. "Gee, God, where's that kingdom of yours? Oh der dey are, that bunch of peeple ober der. Tanks God fur showin' me yur Kingdum!"

    "The Kingdom of God cometh not by observation." (Remember Luke?)

    Don't ya see, Gumby, a bunch of peeple do not a Kingdum of God make. The thing about this particular bunch of People is that they are in tune with the Divine, from the inside. They get it! And you can too, but ya just gotta try. They are individually and collectively "in the Kingdom of God" from within. If you're trying to find it from "Outward appearances" then, of course, yur gonna be disappointed. "Lookin' for Love in all the wrong places," and all this time you didn't know it is right under (or should I say "in") your own nose. Maybe God's just being sneaky with us, playing spiritual Hide 'n Go Seek (er... Find).

    Rod P.

  • LittleToe

    "Look within - be still and know."

    Dammit - been talkin' too much to James Thomas!!!

    What's this about there being no cookies in heaven? Don't go disillusioning me, fer gawdsakes!!!

  • Abaddon

    TOTALLY off-topic, b ut one thing I love doing driving around on holiday is listening to the local FM stations.

    It's local colour, although sometimes it's more monochromatic. Damned if I could find anything other than country in some parts of the 'States.

    Now in France one is treated to the delights of French rap, which can actually be quite good, and more traditonal genres of French music.

    One is where you have a what sound's like a young girl singing, who is then joined by what sounds like a 55 year-old man with a 80-untipped-Gitane-a-day-habit, who basically start of in a soft ballad and ending up screaming at each other, either in rage or lust.


    Oh, and Frnech radio plays songs unbleeped; what was that song last year; Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything? Wycliffe? Dunno. Great driving music.

    Gyles of the "bwoy doesn't a spliff hit you hard if you've not smoked a few days class"

  • upside/down
    One guy's opinion is as good as another's.

    tsk tsk tsk....

    Now do you want all of those clergy men (women) to be headed for the umemployment line or worse.... getting REAL jobs?

    When besides EVERYONE "knows" that my opinion is far better than most... just ask me.

    Rev. u/d (of the you'd shut your mouth if you knew what was good for you you pumpkin pie hair-cutted freak class)

  • gumby
    the Kingdom of God is within you.

    Dammit Rod.....whens the last time you read 'Questions from Readers'? It plainly tells us Jesus meant HE was the King in their midst....or "within you" These fellas is sittin on thrones and judgin the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus even made a covenant with them for a Kingdom. He said he was preparin a place for them now dammit! You never have appreciated the fine food Jehovah sets at your table have ya.......ya damn indepenent, non-spiritual appreciatin heathen!


  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Little Toe,

    Orange yu funny.

    But yur wrong. Yes, there are cookies in Heaven. These ones are good for you, becuz they are Spiritual Cookies which have higher vibrations without all that nasty sugar, and you get rewarded with one every time you learn another Spiritual Concept. On the outside of each cookie it says "Eat me!" Can't say whether it makes you grow bigger or smaller though! It works differently for each individual. Guess you'll just have to try one and find out. LOL

    Rod P.

  • Narkissos
    Nark.....these assumptions are made because that's the message it gives.....correct?

    That sure is the message monotheistic metaphysics gives. As far as the Bible is concerned, this is only valid for the upper (= later) redactional layers of the OT (and most of the NT of course). Still, the older depictions of Yhwh who is not ashamed of lying, cheating, repenting, regretting, changing his mind, going down from heaven to see what happens, being jealous, infuriated or appeased, are in the Bible too even though monotheism tends to sweep them under the carpet as "anthropomorphisms".

    What I'm trying to point out is: the idea that "God" shouldn't contradict himself (etc.), share by both apologists (who try to prove that the Bible doesn't contradict itself) and critics (who show that the Bible does contradict itself) is a rationalist premise which is at least partly anachronistic to the Bible texts.

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