6 Million JW's Can't Be Wrong

by Honesty 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 144001

    Over 6 million "served" . . . or, more accurately, "screwed."

  • minimus

    JH's answer is da best.

  • Sunspot
    JH's answer is da best.

    So......what are the rest of us---chopped liver?

  • minimus

    It's just that JH is right on.

  • Sunspot

    My point doesn't seem to be penetrating the hard red shell.......

    S'okay........I'll get over it.

  • pratt1

    Well just because there 6 million card carrying publishers, doesn't mean that there are 6 million believers.

    I would estimate that at least half are faking because of financial, emotional blakmail.

  • nicolaou

    Hmmm - but THEN I've heard THIS a few times:-

    Matthew 7v14, ''...narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.''

    This is where the argument turns in on itself.

    If 6,000,000 members is evidence that JW's cannot be wrong then surely organisations with much smaller memberships - like Scientologists at 500,000 - have an even greater claim on having found the 'narrow gate'.

  • Buster

    Something I overheard at work years ago: One worker, a minister of some sort, referred to number of adherents to some faith as proof that they must be right. He felt that so many people could not be wrong. Another co-worker pointed out the speciousness of the arguement and added that "that is like saying a trillion flies cannot be wrong, so lets eat sh*t."

    It is great how JWs spend all their time explaining how a billion Catholics can ALL be wrong, and yet then say, with a straight face, that their 6 million could not be wrong because of their great number.

    It kills me how self-centered and ignorant of logic JWs are.

    And I'll go you one better: I'ld be willing to bet that, in the US, there are as many exJWs as active JWs. Now those people (we) came, saw, bought the t-shirt, and got the hell out. I would argue that they have a broader perspective than those current, active, overindoctrinated, head-nodding JWs. If one feels compelled by the number of dubbies, should they not be as pesuaded by the quantity of refugees therefrom?

    It ain't how many are in - its how many ain't in.

  • DannyHaszard

    Speaks for itself.. http://www.fftimes.com/index.php/6/2005-05-10/21224/1538 Why Jehovah 2005-05-12 09:56:29

    The Watchtower Society is God's conduit here on earth. We listen to what God sais through it. If later on there is a clearer understanding on some topic then fine. We obey according to what God lets us understand according to his will and at His time schedule. At the begining the Society didn't understand that celebrating Cristmas offended Jehovah but now we do, etc. , etc. ... We don't tell Jehovah how we ought to worship him, He tells us. Jehovah let His oun Son die for us, and that's fine, right? We appreciate that, we can gain everlasting life through that sacrifice. Does that make Jehovah a monster that lets His oun children die. If Jesus didn't die(completely die)the sacrifice wouldn't of been valid so Jehovah stood and watched him die ... for us. He did that for us. If Jehovah ask you to do somthing ... Do It. Trust Him just like His Son trusted him. Otherwise Jesus died in vain(at least in your case).

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It's not 6 million JWs.

    Remember the many of us in there because otherwise we'd lose our relatives. Remember the plenty of teenagers that attend or get baptized just to please their families. Remember the plenty of wives in there because of their husbands. Remember all the ones that have some sort of mental illness, or the elderly. Remember the baptized ones that count, but that are inactive or that couldn't care any less about JW policy.

    If we take all of those into consideration, I'd say the flock diminishes by about 4 million. I'm not kidding you!

    I make this statement assuming that most congregations are somewhat like the one I attend. The times that I've gone, they've said the attendance is in around 113. Of those 113, I assess 20 or 25 are there because they truly believe all the WBTS bs. Sad.


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