Here's the situation. My wife couldn't answer some deep issues I've raised regarding a few of the WTS's teachings and dishonest representation of historical sources. Naturally, she attributes her lack of answers to her own lack of research and knowledge. So she has suggested I study with some superbrother who happens to be a local scientist
Overall I think this is a good thing. But I want to best utilize this opportunity. I could either play it safe and study alone with this guy and tell my wife how things went. In return I could have my wife sit down with some people from various denominations as suggested to CYP in another thread. Or I could try and play "stump the chump" with my wife present, which carries its own risks and possible alienation of the wife.
I've never really had a discussion with an authoritative type from the JWs. So I ask you folks with experience. Is it best that I just play it safe, studying with him on my own and using it to simply build bridges with the wife? Or would I be passing up a great and FEASIBLE opportunity to show that even a superbro doesn't have all the answers? Thanks for any input.