What did you want to be when you grew up?

by whyamihere 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    What did I want to be when I grew up? Alive!

    So, in order to achieve this laudable goal, I left the JWs. Beats being among the living dead.

  • JW83

    This is a great thread! I really wanted to be a journalist (foreign correspondent) when I was a teenager, but also wanted to pioneer, go to bethel, get married & have sex & babies I ended up aux pio'ing sometimes & working as a legal secretary part-time. Now I've just finished my honours year at uni doing history (which I love!) & hope to become a fully qualified historian one day!! Dreams can come true!

  • tijkmo

    a circuit overseer

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I wanted to be a scientist. I had a fuzzy idea about white coats, bright shiny laboratories, doing experiments, and discovering things. I used to take out the insides of my felt tip pens and soak them in jars of water to make coloured solutions. Then I was given a chemistry set, and that was great!

    I got a bit older and went through a phase of wanting to be a photographer. I used my dad's old Practika SLR, an ancient Russian camera, totally manual with a seperate light meter.

    When I was nearing school leaving age, I searched the careers books and decided that I would become a dispensing optician. I had some very fuzzy idea that studying by correspondance course and working in retail would allow me to pioneer. I am not sure how that was supposed to have worked. Anyway, no opticians in a twenty mile radius wanted to take on a trainee religious zealot, so I ended up applying for any vacancy I saw.

    Then a local manufacturing company advertised for a trainee lab technician, and I got the job! They sent me to college one day a week. I got a new job after two years when I had my basic qualification. My new employer continued sending me to college. After a total of seven years, I had a degree in Applied Chemistry.

    I worked for 13 years in laboratories. I made a lot of solutions, and some of them were coloured. I found out that the process of discovering things is very long and repetitive, and badly paid. I got really dirty almost every day.

    Now I am in sales, and I get paid far more for driving and talking then I ever could have for being creative and innovative. The UK does not value those who are clever, practical, technical. When UK manufacturing has gasped its last dying breath, I don't know what I will do. We can't sustain an economy based on selling each other "services" on credit forever. Fortunately, my husband is a good shot, and we can grow veggies, so we won't go too hungry.

  • Golf

    Brooke, dreams come true, I love flowers, you ought to see my wife's flower garden/s.

    Being a professional baseball player was my dream and religion, but, due to circumstances, I ended being a profesional golfer. Not the same, but hey, it will do.

    Interesting post. Positive things come out of positive thoughts.


  • diamondblue1974

    I wanted to be a lawyer but when I was asked what I wanted to do and I was honest about and it and why, the actual book that was in the KH library which had sparked my interest miraculously disappeared; funny that. I was told that JWs arent supposed to be lawyers in so many words (which is ironic given they are needed more than ever right now)

    I continued throughout high school preparing myself for a joinery apprenticeship which is what everyone was doing that was my age; but even though I did my first year my skill set and my ability didnt really match up with that vocation and I needed a rethink, I did a business degree course whilst in work.

    Began studying law not long after leaving the witnesses and cutting a long story short, I am now head of department in small boutique law firm and currently finishing off my studies as a Barrister.

    The WTS purposefully holds intelligent people back from achieving what they can achieve for their own selfish reasons; whoever took the criminal law case reports book from the KH library obviously was jealous and petty and I wish to high heaven I could have a short word in their ear now, especially given the progress I have made spiritually and academically.

    Sorry about the rant but I feel very strongly about the way the WTS attempt to screw up peoples lives so that the people become dependant upon the WTS and the people within the group as a whole.

    DB74 of the 'I got that of my chest' class.

  • jaredg


    What kind of engineering do you do?

    i'm a mechanical engineer.

  • PaulJ

    Either a footballer or a fireman.

  • Soledad

    I didn't think that I would grow up. I was so certain the end would be here before I reached adulthood, and then I was supposed to just spend the rest of eternity picking flowers and playing with wild bears.

    When I was about 15, I considered joining the Air Force. Not only did my mother discourage that but so did this chauvinist English teacher that I had that year. What a prick that guy was.

    Other than that, I never gave much thought to growing up and making something of myself. I just lived day to day in the hopes that I would marry a "good brother" by the time I was 19 and that would be it for me.

  • lucky

    In kindergarten, I really wanted to be an acrobat.
    In junior high, I wanted to be a graphic artist.
    In high school, I wanted to be an architect.
    But of course, college wasn't an option, and I ended up pioneering instead.
    I did finally go to college, though, and now I make maps, which I love.

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