What did you want to be when you grew up?

by whyamihere 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian, when I was a teenager I wanted to be a housewife of a JW, I've mostly been doing secretarial and administrative work which I want to become more technical and less secretary.

    Now what I want to be when I grow up, is the most awsome Apostate in my county. Eventually I think I'm going to be affiliated with some religious organization that gives emotional/spiritual support to people who have left cults. I also want to pursue some hobbies to get me closer to nature--possibly photography of nature and animals.

  • undercover

    As a little kid I wanted to be Batman...

    When I got a little older I thought being a policeman would be cool...that got squelched by my WT serving parents.

    In high school I had no ambition of any kind... I didn't want to pioneer though that's what everyone was expecting from me but since the system was going to end soon anyway what was the point in getting all worked up about a career?

    Now, many years later, I am realizing how much time was wasted and how ill prepared I was for the real world...

    I might as well have gone on wanting to be Batman...

  • HadEnuf

    Holy schmoley Brookie...you have started a huge thread here! I'm so proud of you!

    As a jw kid back in the 60's (old alert)...I never had a chance to think of a "career" other than getting married young and having a family. Sure as hell didn't want to pioneer. Maybe that is why so many of us got married young. (And it was nice to be able to have sex LEGALLY...hahahaha)! Anyway, I digress.

    Now if I could go back in time I would most likely have gone to college and gotten a degree in horticulture/botany or perhaps something to do with counseling. Like a psychologist. I LOVE giving advice (and don't you know it Brookie)!!!

    Now I'm just an old, worn out, used up homemaker/slave. I do think of going back to school someday when I feel better. Oh yeah...real estate would be fun too...if you didn't have to know all that math stuff that goes with selling houses.

    Love you Brookie...mumsy

  • Junction-Guy

    I just wanted to be normal. Over and over again I would think to myself "why couldnt I have been born into a normal religion?" Why did I have to be born into this stupid religion?

    When I was real young, say 6-10 I wanted to be alot of things, a doctor, a veterinarian, a policeman. But by the time I was a teenager I was planning to die, what a way to live a life huh?

    I identify so much with Garybuss, My whole life I was prepared to die, but there was no plan to live. No hope, no future, nothing. Armageddon was coming and I was to be destroyed, simply because I didnt like the way they treated my mom and the children in the congregation. I found the WT Society to be the most controlling thing around and there was no way I was gonna submit myself to that. So I just simply waited time out, thinking Armageddon was just around the corner. I passed up so many opportunities.

    I was told so many times when I was a child what I couldnt do, that by the time I was an adult, it had stripped me off all my ambitions and dreams.

    Words cant describe how much I despise this evil, spirit breaking, life stealing cult.


  • 144001

    "Words cant describe how much I despise this evil, spirit breaking, life stealing cult."


    Thanks for finding the words that express my sentiments verbatim. The Watchtower Corporate Cult stole everything that was happy out of my childhood, leaving me to fend for myself in a reality that this cult did not prepare me for. I've done well on a professional level, but still can't seem to exorcise the anger attributable to having been an exploited child of the Watchtower corporate cult.

    I'd like to send the entire governing body on an all-expenses paid proselytizing tour of Baghdad, with the hope that the insurgents find their heads desirable.

  • cyd0099

    As a young boy I wanted to fly chartered flights into some remote wilderness, sometimes in a pontoon craft. A youth spent reading Jack London and watching "Wild Kingdom"

    Later on I wandered into the theater and began to write plays and act and work behind the scenes.

    But a high-school educated janitor with a malevolent publishing company pulling all his strings couldn't do those things...

    After eradicating the obstacle, I am working toward the latter set of goals. I write often, in fact I have a monthly column locally, and I have my first paying gig in the arts as the operations manager for a summer series of outdoor movies.

    Maybe in another ten or so years I'll get around to that growing up thing.

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