What did you want to be when you grew up?

by whyamihere 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    At least a Circuit Overseer.

  • Dragonlady76

    I wanted not to be a Joe Hoba's witless.


  • joelbear

    i wanted to be a

    math professor


    radio DJ

  • hillbilly

    Nuclear Gynocologyst or Indian Scout.

    ended up close to my goal... after 20+ years as a high voltage lineman and master electrician I now teach electrical skills and do safety consulting in my industry . I train horses and run a hobby farm on the side

    Oh yea,,,almost forgot... agravate the P*ss outta folks on political threads here at JWD... a semi-full-time endevor!


  • Dustin

    I wanted to join the Navy really bad after highschool, but of course that was wrong. I also wanted to be a gym teacher but going to school was wrong. So I became a big nothing. I'm still very dissatisfied with myself career wise. Maybe if I catch a break I can still become a rock n roll star.

  • pratt1

    First, I wanted to be a police officer, but the elders told me that I wouldn't be able to carry a gun.

    Second, I wanted to be an Archetiect? I thought I could design homes in the new system. That what got me through college.

    I ended up being an Environmentalist who designs programs to remediate contaminated resources.

  • whyamihere


    You have a great job, nice apartment, and you have a beautiful wife. Most people do not have what you have.

    With your Job you are doing well. Its a great job! Yeah, I know you want something better later on. Just keep your eyes open, and listen to your heart. I would never think you are a big nothing. Never ever.


  • RichieRich

    I always wanted to be a badass. When I was in elementary school, I was the Bart Simpson type. In middle school, I got suspended 17 times for fighting. Now that I'm in high school, I just want to be myself and I want to be a friend before anything else.

    But I used to want to be like a SWAT team member.... Or a hunting guide in some far off place.

    Now I realistically want to work in the graphics industry. I tell witnesses this and they are "welll you could run the presses at Bethel". I'd rather eat ink.

    But in college I plan on working securty at concerts and bars... Or maybe the guy who oils up the strippers?

  • EvilForce

    Richie with your talents with Photoshop and what not I'd say go for graphic arts.

    Fortunately the printing biz is a good high paying industry...at least for now until they figure out how to move that to China too. A few of my friends are in the printing biz...great field.

  • fairchild

    I read this somewhere when I was in high school. Just thought I'd share it here.

    "If you can't be a tree on top of a mountain, then be a modest shrub in the valley, but make sure to be the greenest shrub around."

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