Are you an atheist?

by hibiscusfire 270 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    I am following with what the bible is saying not my favourite verses. And it does make sense.

    So what makes what the bibles says more valid than the Zend-Avesta?

  • hibiscusfire

    You may be thinking, "If we are all sinners and God will never allow sin into His presence, then nobody will ever get into heaven." This leads us to the only way sin can ever be forgiven… blood

  • Narkissos
    God's Word is always right

    How do you know? (- 3)

  • jaffacake
    I am following with what the bible is saying not my favourite verses

    This is just another assertion, not backed up by evidence and argumentation. For every verse you quote someone can quote another that seems to say the opposite, so how do we discern which is true?

  • hibiscusfire

    Throughout history, God has ordained that blood would always play a key role in the forgiveness of sins:

    And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Hebrews 9:22
  • Chia

    Yeah it does sound like a Witness, complete with "I don't listen to what anyone else says because I know I have the truth and God is on my side." Except that you believe in the Trinity. But you sound almost exactly like a Dub. It's frightening.

  • IP_SEC
    You may be thinking, "If we are all sinners and God will never allow sin into His presence, then nobody will ever get into heaven." This leads us to the only way sin can ever be forgiven? blood

    Well I may be thinking that, but Im not.


    Bro you're not for real are you?

    Ok well Im gonna stop wasting my posts on this thread.

  • seattleniceguy

    This thread is an unbelievably well-illustrated example of how canned responses allow a person to totally stop thinking.


  • jaffacake


    You are just quoting the same scriptures that others preached at them for years and turned out to be liars. The same scriptures. Perhaps you should try a different tack. I dont think you ever mention the central teaching of the Bible ie Christianity and Love. Have you ever read and thought about the spiritual meaning of John's gospel. You only seem to see the literal and superficial side of everything. If you love Christ in order to be saved, then that is sad and unBiblical and unChristian, can I interest you in a Watchtower magazine?

    What did Jesus say was the law and the prophets? Do you understand the enormity of that revolutionary statement?

  • EvilForce

    She never answers anything.... just pulls more verses out of her ass...she will hit her max posts for the day soon.

    However I still have 35 posts I can post wisdom from the I-Ching and Buddha on all day long too.

    Good Points by the way IP....noticed how she didn't answer those either?

    Hibiscus I warned you yesterday to not engage this behavior....for to teach you must also open your mind to learning. You have obviously not done this. Shame on you!

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