Generation of 1914 gone!

by Gill 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Is it pure coincidence? I dont know.

    I do. It is.

    How can any rational person think that ANYTHING that happens on a date they picked from their lotto machine somehow verifies their prophecy. Prophecy is saying WHAT will happen and WHEN it will happen, not just picking a date and sitting back to see what happens.

    Here mark this down: 2008

    Woopee! I'm a remarkably accurate prophet!

    As for the reason it would take a long esssay to answer the question about WHEN the WTB&TS has been CORRECT, that is because the question can not be answered in the affirmative. All the extra space is to allow for double speak and obfuscation. Early in this thread, Terry hit the nail on the head with his observation that the WTS has moved from SPECIFICS to GENERALITIES. Actually, they'll grasp at anything to maintain their "prophetic accuracy" - a bad weather report, a dip in the dollar relative to the yen, the death of some sick dolphins. It is bad street magic at it's worst.

    Yes, JWs will be surprised, because nothing they expect is going to happen. NOTHING.

  • Gill

    I'm with you on that Nathan.

    It reminds me of the 1975 year text about the fig tree not blossoming and the society claiming they prophesised the famine which I believe hit somewhere in Africa in 1975, I don't know where else. Only having faded for the last few years, one of the last talks at the KH I remember was on how accurate the societys predictions are since that's what the year text said would happen that year.

    What year does famine, even major famine NOT happen? And yet this year text was meant to be a prophecy...NOT.

    Also Erich, average lifespan is no doubt rising, however it's unlikely that the generation of 1914 will average 120+.

    Why do you want the WTBTS to be right? Everything points to their spouting total drivel and nothing has ever been right that they've come up with.

  • eyeslice

    I agree this doctrine is vaguer than ever.

    Yes, there are still some people alive today that were alive in 1914 but these are now very old and certainly these peope had nothing to do with the events of 1914.

    Surely if God was going to make a point, he would bring the end during the lifetime of those involved in 1914. In other words during the lifetime of the politicians and generals who were responsible for the events of World War 1. These past away a very long time ago.


  • stillajwexelder

    So will SCHOLAR still be researching and posting on 607BCE and 1914 when the yera 2014 arrives?

  • Erich

    Gill, Nathan and others:

    Einstein said an interesting sentence, before he died:

    > God is cunning but He is not malicious. <

    Maybe sometimes he even is malicious too. He may expose non-biblical or behavior in the best way, if their prophesies have the fulfillment just in a manner or at a date never expected...


  • Gill

    Erich - But what would the point be that God would be making by destroying, in the JWs terms, everyone not calling on the name of Jehovah? Millions die everyday from hunger, disease, before their first birthday etc. They NEVER will hear of the God Jehovah.

    Since no other JW prophecys have ever come true, except in the vaguest possible way, as in I could say, someone will die tomorrow, I am unlikely to begin fearing the JW Armageddon propaganda machine.

  • Erich


    Millions die everyday from hunger, disease, before their first birthday etc. They NEVER will hear of the God Jehovah

    Hi. Facts are facts, and biblical truth is biblical truth. Mankind suffer on their own failures. It is not God`s fault. They need deliverance, and I`m sure this will come soon in a way nobody did expect.

    I am unlikely to begin fearing the JW Armageddon propaganda machine.

    YOU SHOULD NOT have fear, NEVER ! It is much better for you to watch out the way how God is going to change the recent world-situation. At same time, all failures and false prophecy that the WTBS made (and still does) will be discovered and exposed. But have no hate or desperation, please.


  • greendawn

    I also agree, mankind has to shoulder much of the blame because they refused to accept and obey the gospel, if this had been done on a global scale then problems would have ceased long ago.

    As for Armageddon no need to fear what fakes claim no matter how hard and persistently they shout out their prophecies.

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