I was running the sound booth and suddenly awoke to the sound of silence. I lifted my head above the box i was in and everyone was staring at me. They were all standing up too. I had had a hangover and had fallen asleep and they were waiting for me to play the song. The elders had a chat with me after that episode.
What is you (or somebodies) best blooper in the KH?
by DannyBloem 70 Replies latest watchtower scandals
In the eighties the fashion was wearing brightly colored, thin leather ties. One bother in his teens was giving the bible reading for the MS. His flies were open and his tie was poking out through the gap. It was a BRIGHT YELLOW thin leather tie. The funniest part was those tie always curled up at the end.
Disarray commenced.
Listening to people trying to pronounce "Mahershalalhashbaz" or "Mephibosheth" is always a laugh.
"Masher.. Masherhas.. Mashershash.. Mahershash.. Malashaala.. Malerhaz.." ...... *deep breath*...... "Mala-hala-hash-bash"...
i was about 6 years old at the time and giving a talk. my dad always used to cross his legs with one ankle over the opposite thigh. well being a good little copy cat. i got up on the main platform and proceeded to cross my legs in that same fashion which made a marvelous little "table" to place my materials on. apparently my mother almost had a heart attack as you could clearly see my underwear from the audience.
she told me never to sit like that again.
there was a time when a brother giving the talk on "Boaz" kept pronouncing it "Bozo" provided 5 minutes of amusement out of an otherwise dreary MS.
oh sh!t...i'm gonna get fired if i don't stop lauging....
my sister was talking to one of the eldurs wives after the meeting one evening. i think i was like 4 or 5. i walked over and stated very proudly that i had a new joke...
eldur wife >''i'd love to hear u'r joke jobeth!''
me > ''k...why don't chickens wear underwear?'' (cue my sister passing out ...she told me this joke first)
''i don't know...why?''
''cuz their peckers are on their heads!!''
(cue my sister turning red and the eldur wife looking totally disgusted)
luv, jojo
The one blooper I caused is when my brother and I were horsing around in the hall, after the meeting and I gave him a shove and he went crashing through a wall.
Needless to say my Dad had to fix it with a new sheet of drywall.
5' 4" ELDERLY elder with very bad combover, full black hair sprouting from each ear (shampoo models would be shamed) and plaid bullet-proof polyester suit spent about 7 minutes overkilling a spider with a rolled up watchtower (probably delivered about 19 ear-splitting full blows) then proceeded to do the twist on it with his shoe.
Why Georgia
This one is kind of sad.
Our nephew is developmentally disabled and we took him with us to a meeting and he held up his hand to answer almost everytime but his answers were not really that relevant to the bookstudy although he thought they were.
After the second time the bookstudy conductor just ignored him even if his was the only hand up...this study leader liked to toss out extra questions because he felt he was quite a bible scholar...
Our nephew started crying really loudly and moaning about how was he ever going to get to Bethel if he wasn't allowed to answer the questions and why won't the brother call on him. He was sobbing.
My husband had to take him to the back of the hall and then outside until he calmed down.
We never took him to a meeting again and for me it also opened my eyes about how Jehovahs wonderful people treat disabled ones. It made me really angry.
I was about 7 years old and sat with my mom as a prop onstage during her talk. I got bored and un-tied the little decorative belt she was wearing and re-tied it in about 50 knots to her chair while she was giving the talk. I could hear people in the audience laughing so it kinda spurred me on. She was totally oblivious. At the end of the talk when she stood up she took the chair with her. The place erupted in laughter and I felt like the king of the world. It took the school elder and her a few minutes to get all the knots untied. I still remember the spanking.. ouch.