Do any of you believe in the supernatural? Like casting spells and such? Have any of your done it before and been successful? For some reason i have been curious about it and would like some experiences if anybody has any
by susu812 43 Replies latest jw friends
my world view is completely natural. i have a lack of belief in anything supernatural until credible evidence comes along to support belief in the supernatural.
when i left the wits, i tested this belief in the super-natural i had held for so many years. i went on one of these highly recommended haunted house tours. the outcome? group psychology in a dark old house, that led to group hysteria and group "seeing". everyone "saw" the same thing (they later coalesced their stories into the same one), even though i strained to see what they were talking about, but could not. they made a huge panic about stuff that in plain day light would not have bothered them. this group think worked well for people in a dark old house, who already believed in the supernatural and who all wanted to have an experience. i didn't say anything to the group at the time, because a spoiled miracle isn't a very fun one. plus, they had paid to be entertained.
then i went to a spirit medium to have my future told. the outcome? i learned that there are some people who are excellent people-readers and can make a living from the credulous. for anyone who believed in the supernatural already, it would have seemed convincing, except that she told me nothing that she could not have guessed at vaguely from just having met me minutes before.
i tried the Ouija board thing too. except, i tried it blind folded. i recommend this. everything it spelled was total gibberish. it didn't even spell "yes" or "no" correctly.
our species has believed in the supernatural for as long as any of us can recall or discover. however, this does not mean there is such a thing. it could just mean that we are big dumb apes. we seem to be obsessed with having explainations for natural phenomena. in ancient times, it was to explain the weather. now it is a psychological vestigial of times past, that somehow comforts us. why? i have no idea. i hope this helps.
life is awe inspiring without the belief in supernatural.
i don't know if I do or don't. I wished someone dead once, very fiercely and concentratedly and they did in fact die its possible.
To be completely honest with you, I think the very concept is erroneous.What we have in this universe is what is actually here. That would be nature. Nature is "natural".
Existence exists, of course and the nature of a thing is to be what it is.
But the word SUPER natural means to go BEYOND nature.
It is a false concept right from the beginning!
What exists.
To go BEYOND what to....go into imagination and not anything a part of nature or reality.
See what I mean?
We can dream up a .....BEYOND...situation; but, it is just that; a dream.
There is only nature.
The rest is imaginary.
What is imaginary can often be titillating, thrilling and mysterious. It makes our ordinary (real) life seem dull by comparison.
Religion and mysticism come out of man's imagination and his subconscious.
We can "make real" almost anything we choose to believe in. We can find proof for it and find ways of making it more and more "actual". But, it is engaging in fooling ourself for entertainment.
The Supernatural is just mental masturbation. It can be a fun way to spend a loney hour; but, there is nothing real there but emotional kick from contemplating the images on the screen in our horney widdle brain.
i agree but i have heard stories about people casting "spells" or what not and getting what they wanted from it. is it just a ironic that it can work out or is something/someone behind it?
i agree but i have heard stories about people casting "spells" or what not and getting what they wanted from it. is it just a ironic that it can work out or is something/someone behind it?
IT CAN WORK is strictly a matter of a person interpreting something to fit a preconceived concept.
Proof isn't like that.
You can toss up a coin and let it fall: heads/tails.
What does that......."mean"?
Depends on what you say it WILL MEAN when the coin falls.
is it just a ironic that it can work out or is something/someone behind it?
it's not ironic. it most likely is coincidence. how can i say this? and excellent tool called Occam's Razor helps me determine this conclusion. it basically states that all things being equal, the explaination with the fewest assumptions, the simplest one, should be preferred. so, the natural explaination is that it's is simply coincidence. the supernatural explanation is that there are unseen spirit forces (which require an explanation), or crazy quantum voodoo (which require an explanation), interfering with physical human brains/neurons/synapses (which require an explanation), causing the said outcome (which still does not have a convincing explanation).
and while you're there, a read up on magical thinking is always a good time:
remember, that all down through time, people have passed on miraculous stories, and others have readily believed them. where is the sanity in that? people want to believe they're special, and so they are credulous. not only with other people's stories, but with their own experiences.
i could make up a story, make it sound convincing, and presto! how convinient! no-body can know for sure if it is true or not!
right--i think people interpret things to "mean" certain things--maybe twist around something to make it have some hidden meaning. i think all of it is so interesting. i guess if spells worked we'd all be famous, rich, beautiful etc etc.
but then again only certain "blessed" people have those abilities right??? lol
Do any of you believe in the supernatural?
I wouldn't call it "super" natural but yes I do.
Like casting spells and such?
Yes. I am a practising witch.
Have any of your done it before and been successful?
Yes, it is successful, most of the time.
For some reason i have been curious about it and would like some experiences if anybody has any
As for experiences, most people involved in witchcraft will not discuss the specifics of any spell which has been cast or which has worked. They can, however, talk about their method and state that its worked for them before. Contrary to popular belief, spellcasting (or doing a working, which is the term I use) isn't easy and it doesn't rely on just collecting the right items (candles, incense, stones, whatever). A very experienced witch (or anyone into mysticism in general) is able to make these things happen without the "props". I still use props, but even so, there is a certain type of mental state which is to be achieved. I've been taught to use a crystal ball for remote viewing and divination. Also I use cards as a tool to access the unconscious. Noone would think so, I don't wear black and I look just like an average woman. Sirona
Sirona--i am so interesting in learning more about it! Can everyone cast spells? or is it specific people? i have had people relate experiences where spells have worked for them. being raised a dub makes you questions and be cricital of this--believing it to be not real--but with more and more people giving true life experiences it seems to be something that works--what got you into it?