Hi there.
I am a paranormal investigator, but because of that I am very skeptical. That may seem mutually exclusive to you, but really, it's not.
I do know one thing: there is something, some kind of energy, that exhibits itself in different ways, that is not explainable by science at this time, but may be explainable in a very simple manner, or a very complex manner, at some time in the future.
Really. Think about it. People are constantly in the dark. We are subjects of a giant scientific project. The whole world, the universe, is vibrating with energy. The pioneers that make claims (Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell) all of those guys, were at one time visionaries, that made spectacular (for their times) claims, and were later proven right. How far of a leap is it that these guys saw things, and meditated on them, experimented on them, and later were great leaders in technology? I'm sure MORE than a few folks saw them as nutcases, fruit loops, etc. But eventually their technology led to what we have now. We can't SEE these things, but we benefit by them! We know they exist, even though we can't SEE them. Who is the final authority?
There was a phenomenon, for a long time, called Spontaneous Human Combustion. There was supposition that these persons that had this happen were subjects of demons. There was also supposition that they caught on fire from the inside out. However, you need three things for combustion: fuel source, oxygen and matter to burn. That is just science. For a long time it was supposed that it was the person's alchol intake that was causing this. Then a scientist named Benecke came along and solved the mystery: if the air was right, the WICK was right, and the victim was passed out, or dead, this could occur. But it all boils down to science.
I think that with our paranormal stuff. Some day, we will be able to qualify and quantify, gauge and figure all of this out. Until then: I call it paranormal because it is out of the ordinary and not explainable by science.
Oh.. I wanted to say, and forgot... for a long time people talked about "fire balls." Those might have ignited the people on fire that were thought to have died from SHC. Nobody believed in fireballs that travelled out from lightning bolts, but now they have been proven to exist. Some exist for more than one minute, and their flame is pretty hot.