
by susu812 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    It isn't only "blessed" people. Anyone can learn it if they choose to put in the time and energy.

    As for the lottery, it just doesn't work that way. Why? Because magick involves changing energies around a situation so that the desired outcome will come to fruition. When it comes to things like the lottery, there are so many people willing / praying / yearning for the same outcome, it would be extremely difficult to forge your own energy through it all and make it so that you win. (Unfortunately LOL)


  • Sirona

    What got me into it? Erm, well when I left the dubs I read about lots of religions, including buddhism etc. Then I just happened to pick up a book on neo-paganism and it really appealed to me.

    In my belief system, God is made up of both God and Goddess. The only reason we have God and Goddess, as in a male and a female image of the divine is because we're human and we need a focus - something to grasp onto - for the entity we know as "God". So we, in a way, put our own faces onto God because we could never understand that force otherwise. Ancient societies were polytheist and had gods for different things. That way, they understood the divine and its different aspects.

    So in my faith there is no good or evil, because even what appears to be evil is sometimes necessary for a purpose (e.g. death, which clears the way for birth and much more besides).

    Anyway, I digress. Anyone can cast spells. They just need the right mental state, emotional state and right motive.


  • susu812

    since being df'd i have been doing research myself and have being looking into it because it was soo taboo in jw's it seemed appealing to me :) spells really seem interesting-if you cast a spell on someone will it wear off? sorry for all the questions:)

  • Sirona

    Cast a spell "on" someone?

    Usually the spell isn't directed "on" someone unless it is for their healing or development. The spell will work by sending certain energy to them, say, for healing. The energy will help them heal, but yes, you'd need to keep sending healing energy for long term benefits. (That is why we have the vigil on this forum for Dansk, weekly, so that he has healing energy in supply long term).

    If you mean a curse, I don't curse. Most ordinary witches don't. The most they'll do is attempt to prevent someone hurting them who may be a danger.

    As for other spells, I have a strict rule that I don't manipulate others. It is possible that a spell could affect a person long term eg. because the spell may somehow affect their life choices. Manipulating like that affects the path that they're "supposed" to be on and can have really bad effects.

    Magick makes up a small part of my lifestyle and what I do. I haven't done any workings for months.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    most people involved in witchcraft will not discuss the specifics of any spell which has been cast or which has worked.


    why not? isn't this exactly the sort of thing which causes skepticism in people? would this explain why there is no scientific evidence to back up magik claims? why is it all hearsay? why don't witches volunteer to enter into double-blind science experiements with scientists, to silence the skeptics once and for all? why does magik never work on skeptics?

  • tetrapod.sapien
    It is possible that a spell could affect a person long term eg. because the spell may somehow affect their life choices. Manipulating like that affects the path that they're "supposed" to be on and can have really bad effects.


    do witches have any explanations or knowledge as to how magik interacts with the physical? or if it is already physical, then what it is? and if so, is the knowledge public? or would one have to work to obtain it?

  • Sirona

    The reason why a spell is not discussed afterwards (before its come to fruition) is that we believe that even talking about a matter effects it. So speaking about what was done days later, may affect the energy which was directed during the spell.

    After the spell has worked however, some people have no problem relating what was done and how it came out in the end. An example: My husband, who was then my fiance, wanted to sell his house. He had it on the market for months and months (about 9 months if I recall) and it wouldn't sell. He had vacated the property and each week it seemed that some more damage had been done (stolen gates, stolen flags, broken windows etc). So I told him I'd work something so that it would sell quick and we'd get the asking price despite its less than great state. I did this with my coven members. The house sold exactly prior to the last date I'd specified (within one lunar month and the confirmation was within a day of this date) and for the exact amount I'd specified. Usually here in the Uk people offer less than the asking price but they didn't.

    Moreover, certain things I've done have been done on the behalf of others, so the individual knows beforehand that I'm doing this. So as for speculation afterwards, yes there is room for that, but usually the specifics of a working are laid out so clearly, that if those specifics are not met then one would consider the working to be a failure.

    As for scientific examination, perhaps that will be something that will be done in future with success. I always say though, that when sending out "energy" distractions, such as cameras, or a lab setting, would not be ideal to any degree. The people involved need to be calm and focused.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    Usually here in the Uk people offer less than the asking price

    yes, same here in canada.

    but usually the specifics of a working are laid out so clearly, that if those specifics are not met then one would consider the working to be a failure.

    interesting. it's too bad it cannot be duplicated in a lab or field study. the world would be a different place over night, probably.

    The people involved need to be calm and focused.
    so, the people involved have to believe in the supernatural, or magik, already? would a skeptical minded person throw the "energy" off?
  • Sirona
    do witches have any explanations or knowledge as to how magik interacts with the physical? or if it is already physical, then what it is? and if so, is the knowledge public? or would one have to work to obtain it?

    Without going on and on (which I could LOL) basically it is this. We believe that the energy in the astral realm can come into being in physical reality. If you therefore create an image, or a being for that matter, in the astral, and you will it to come into the physical world, it will. (In the case of a being, it may be an entity which will interact with the physical world, much like a ghost or poltergeist would).

    Every invention started with an idea. That idea became physical reality. Therefore we also believe that our thoughts can attract or repel things from us. If we think positively, and expect positivity, it will manifest in our life. SImilarly if we expect and truly focus on prosperity, the channels are there for us to be prosperous.

    As for a scientific test of such things, I don't know of any.

    There are many things deeper than what I have just described, but it is considered an individual journey of discovery and learning. I believe that each of us is here for reasons which we may not be conscious of in our ordinary lives. Therefore, if I worked a spell to try and make myself a movie star, that could conflict with my overall reason for being here and would lead to nothing. However, I must say that if I wanted it enough and I worked hard enough, anything is possible!


  • Sirona
    so, the people involved have to believe in the supernatural, or magik, already? would a skeptical minded person throw the "energy" off?

    Not necessarily. If the skeptic could participate with full concentration and not allow their disbelief to block the process, then likely they'd contribute just fine. If they sat there thinking "how stupid is this bloody chanting" then yes they could cause a jump in the energy (in a group working). If the group was practised enough they could overcome that "jump" and things would be OK. (The reason I call it a jump is because in certain situations , not all I might add, the energy is generated and moves around the circle of individuals.....if someone isn't contributing or if they're blocking, it jumps them and goes to the next person).


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