
by susu812 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • susu812

    so say you or someone else casts a spell--is the spell then hindered if you don't put positive energy out into it? like if someone casts a spell and you try to believe and be positive but your not fully then it hinders it?

  • Sirona


    That is two separate things.

    If the spellcaster casts a negative spell, it can work just the same. A curse will work (usually). I was saying that I wouldn't do that because of the negative repercussions. If I send out badness, badness will return to me.

    If the person who is recieving the spell blocks it in some way, well yes, that can happen but ordinarily the person wouldn't block it unless they were doing so subconsciously. Usually they'll have *asked* for the help in the first place.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    okay, well, i don't deny that what you and others have experienced is real to you. and yes, we don't have to debate the topic, as i don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on the subject. but i just can't help but mention a couple of brief observations. they certainly don't disprove anything, but i feel i would be remiss for not at least mentioning them.

    We believe that the energy in the astral realm

    this astral realm has not been scientifically documented.

    If we think positively, and expect positivity, it will manifest in our life. SImilarly if we expect and truly focus on prosperity, the channels are there for us to be prosperous.

    one does not have to practice magik for this to occur.

    Therefore, if I worked a spell to try and make myself a movie star, that could conflict with my overall reason for being here and would lead to nothing.

    this sounds like a general religious explanation to me. if a witch did become a movie star, he/she would give credit to the spell. if he/she did not succeed in becoming a movie star, they could say it was because the spell was not in line with their life course.

    If the skeptic could participate with full concentration and not allow their disbelief to block the process, then likely they'd contribute just fine

    it almost sounds like belief anyways. but, i do get what you are saying. if i was ever invited to one of these events, i would truly at least try to concentrate. after all, i am only a skeptic because i find a glaring lack of credible evidence, not because i want to disprove anything. who knows what i would think if i experienced something for the positive?


  • Sirona
    if i was ever invited to one of these events, i would truly at least try to concentrate

    So you would attend?

    Why don't you try it yourself? Do a little home experiment and see if it works?


  • susu812

    how can we test it ourselves? wouldn't it be better to have someone who was more experienced help you? who knows what you could do if you start experimenting as a newbie right?

  • Sirona

    Well you'd need to read up on the subject. Try Scott Cunningham's "Wicca a guide for the solitary practitioner" as a start.

    It isn't something you can just "do". You need to show the initial interest by reading up on the subject on the net and elsewhere,


  • TheListener

    Aaaahhhhh!!! You guys are freakin' me out.

    Actually I find this very interesting. It's the one super-taboo from the witnesses.

    I have a question Sirona. Do neo-pagans or most of them believe in the devil and his demons? And if one shows interest in this subject by reading or watching shows should they expect unwelcome visitors?

    I have a lot of witness baggage in this area and in keeping with that discussing this actually makes me uncomfortable.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    So you would attend?

    Why don't you try it yourself? Do a little home experiment and see if it works?



    yes! i would attend. i'm not being sarcastic. like i said, i am not out destroy belief. but rather, i do not believe because no one, or nothing, has convinced me.

    i have tried little home experiements with several different occult systems. it started out as a desire to prove what i had believed in for so many years. never has any of it worked. this just adds to my incredulity. all the adherents of different systems all say that their chosen system works. but none of them ever work for me! i'm still the same guy the day after as i was the night before. it's starting to seem like a waste of time, to me.


  • susu812

    so spells that are selfish are most likely not to work i take it? i'd think that would rule out most spells people would cast right?

  • Sirona


    Good questions

    have a question Sirona. Do neo-pagans or most of them believe in the devil and his demons? And if one shows interest in this subject by reading or watching shows should they expect unwelcome visitors?

    Neo-pagans in general do not believe in the devil and his demons. Bear in mind that "satan" is mentioned in the bible, and the bible isn't a book we adhere to in any way shape or form. We don't do the opposite of the bible, we don't turn the cross upside down, we don't recite it backwards (those things are for pseudo-goth teens and a minority of the satanists). The bible and its concepts just dont come into it for us.

    As for demons or "dark" entities, entities who might not be nice to you, yes, we believe that such entities exist. We do not however believe that these are fallen angels, rather, they're just lower beings of a lower vibrational energy who are either earth bound or are by nature this way (who, incidentally, serve their own purpose in the scheme of things).

    If one shows interest in such things, that in itself would not mean that one would get "unwelcome visitors". If, however, someone had abilities which they had previously supressed, reading into the subject and, more importantly, putting it into practice by meditation etc. might mean that they become more sensitive to these things and therefore "see" something.

    Mostly I think that actually *doing* this is what awakens the senses, rather than reading about it or watching shows.

    I know where you are coming from, I struggled at first because of my JW upbringing. I now realise that not everything is as black and white as they made it out to be. There is tremendous love in Wicca (a religion which encompasses witchcraft), lots of faith in the Lord and Lady (God and Goddess) and lots of respect for all forms of life. It is ethical and it follows a rule much similar to Jesus's "golden rule", that is, "An it harm none, do what you will" Basically don't harm anyone and work toward your own higher will.


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