
by susu812 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona
    so spells that are selfish are most likely not to work i take it? i'd think that would rule out most spells people would cast right

    No, I think you have misunderstood me. If someone decides to do a magickal working (spell) and that person is selfish, the spell will likely still work. So will curses. Witchcraft is not black or white, it is is the intent of the caster that decides if the energy does good or bad. So if I was an evil witch, I could go around cursing and generally being selfish and my spells would work just fine. The problem would be that I would get my "karma" (for want of a better word) back because of all the badness I'd be sending out. For me, my rule with regard to selfishness is basically that I do spells for things that I really NEED. So I'm not being selfish and taking from others, I'm asking for my needs so that I can live comfortably and be able to give to others, either materially or spiritually. You have to remember that my religion is not about spellcasting, it is about worshipping the Goddess, developing myself personally and where I can, helping others. Sirona

  • Sirona


    yes! i would attend. i'm not being sarcastic. like i said, i am not out destroy belief. but rather, i do not believe because no one, or nothing, has convinced me.

    That is a great attitude. At least you are open to the possibility, even if you haven't had proof yet.

    If this all was made clear to you, it would likely impact your life severely and you'd want to explore more. Maybe that isn't what you're supposed to be doing in this life?


  • tetrapod.sapien

    thx sirona,

    Maybe that isn't what you're supposed to be doing in this life?

    assuming that this isn't the only life out there. - and i am filled with awe at nature. i would never presume to have it all figured out.

    but really though. after discovering scientific method, i tend to deal in probabilities via parsimony when trying to determine accuracy as to claims that cannot be proven either way. for example, it is certainly not my place to say that your claims are false, but it is also not really your place to think that others will believe just because the claim comes from you. so, it's nice and all, that you have these experiences, but for the sake of the general public who cannot decide either way what to believe, how can we help them?

    science seems to be something that most people, a large majority, trust. the knowledge developed by science, leads to technologies that we all benefit from, and can observe objectively. whereas the claims to supernatural experiences always seem to be subjective at best. unfalsifiable. (rhetorical)why? so, if parsimony says to go with the simplest explanation, then why don't more people go with it? is it because it is boring? or is it because people don't really think about probabilities that much? wouldn't it be fair to say that according to parsimony, supernatural phenomena most likely have a natural explanation? which side does the probability factor fall on? does it not fall on the side of parsimony?

    and if one's answer is no, then i ask again, why?

  • Sirona


    I don't expect that anyone should believe me because of things I own subjective experience.

    There is some weight in your argument re: considering probabilities more closely. Whilst I agree with that, and I can see that some people would attribute a successful spell to almost anything that happened thereafter, I still maintain that if one is specific on the desired outcome and that desired outcome happens as requested, then the possibility of chance is greatly minimised. Do this a number of times and you can't be critisised from believing that your "spells" really do work.

    As for supernatural vs natural causes, I'd say that these energies etc. are natural. The thing is, you're referring to this in the context of a "scientific explanation for something someone deems supernatural". In that case, we'll just have to wait and see. I will agree 100% that most ghost sightings are not actually ghosts (maybe 10% or less, ARE ghosts or spirit beings), so given the nature of humans to imagine more than is there, we can't eliminate the fact that some people will just plain make it up! LOL

    There are a few though who have had genuine experiences, IMHO.


  • susu812

    ok now i understand--you get what you put out there kind of thing. this is all really interesting! thanks sirona for explaining everything to everyone! you've definitely made me even more interested in all of this!

  • love11

    I believe our thoughts have importance on making things real or unreal.

    When I was a little girl, about 4 years old. I told my parents that I was going to go out into the garden to dig and I was going to find an indian arrowhead. They just laughed at me and said, "No your not, your not going to find anything in that garden. Dad has already dug up that dirt to plant vegetables and he would have seen one if it was in there." Something inside just knew that I was going to find one. It was as if I was being told where to dig. I only dug one hole in our entire garden straight down. I found a kids glass marble, I found an Elsie the cow necklace piece, I kept digging. I wanted to give up, and I could have sworn an indian was standing right behind me telling me where to dig. Sure enough I found an arrow head. I was so happy that I started to cry and just looked at it for awhile. I was wondering wether or not to tell my parents because I thought they would take it away from me. But after all of that mocking I wanted to show them that I knew what I was talking about. It seemed like the indian tried to tell me not to go in the house and tell them. But I did anyways. As I walked up the stairs to the house I felt the person leave. I went inside and told my dad and mom. They said, " What?! Let me see that. Well, my gosh you did find one. I'm going to keep it up on top of the book shelf until I can see how much it's worth." They took it away and I never saw it after that. True story.

    I don't know if supernatural things are real but some things are just hard to explain. Most of the time I feel like the only thing real is science. But once you have something unexplainable happen to you, it does make you wonder. I've had other experiences like this-

    When I was 12, I was thinking about girly things like what my husband will be like and what my kids will be like. I thought I would first have a girl then a boy, about 3 years apart, I would name my girl H******** and my son E*******, and my husband will be dark skinned (mexican, indian, whatever). Every single thing I decided on that day, has come true.

    Nowadays, I try to watch what I'm thinking about just in case. But it's hard to keep your thoughts in check. I don't know if it means anything or just weird coincidences. But the jw's think that anything bad that happens to you is from demons, maybe they are creating their own demons.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    that's a wild experience about the arrowhead! and i agree, that if something really strange like that happened to me, it would really challenge my world view.

    Every single thing I decided on that day, has come true.

    just wondering if you would also consider the possibility that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy? my wife always said she would marry a spanish looking man with olive skin, curly brown hair, that liked to write poetry and play the guitar. well, guess what i look like, and like to do? or on more of a humorous note: the prophecy in daniel that said the Israelites would return to the promised land from babylon. and did they? of course, it was prophesied!

    so what you say is so true. thoughts do affect reality.

  • jula71
    I wished someone dead once, very fiercely and concentratedly and they did in fact die its possible.

    <note to self: stay on Crumpet's good side>

    I believe there is something to it. I've seen and heard some things I can't explain while growing up in Salem Mass.

  • susu812

    im thinking if people have these experiences doesn't it disprove a lot what i was taught growing up. i think if it ever happened to me--if i experienced seeing something/someone or casting a spell and it actually working would make me SERIOUSLY rethink everything. i want to experiment to see!

  • sonnyboy

    Should the term "supernatural" ever apply to anything that's reality-based?

    If something is capable of existing or occurring, then it's natural. It doesn't matter if it's witchcraft, telepathy, or astral-projection.

    To answer your question, if something is supernatural then it must be the stuff of fairy tales, so no, I don't believe in it.

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