Katiekitten & Scotsman.
Thanks for your comments. I am aware what you are both saying and understand that emotion and integrity are all involved in these personal situations.
Scotsman you ask in what way I would help? When someone tells me something they do it for a reason. They already know the risk that their behaviour involves and the possible consequences. In many cases it is a cry for help. There are always deeper issues that need to be dealt with. By addressing these issues, without judgement, the person can be helped to discover the real cause of their behaviour.
If the person is happy with the situation and is not seeking my input then I keep out of it. In time situations and relationships resolve themselves. Ending friendships also ends any possibility of influencing the situation in a positive way or being around to help either party when the relationship eventually ends in tears. I probably respond to these situations differently to others because of my back ground and training