by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • individual


    You make a huge assumption in saying we are all immoral, you may be right in one or two cases, but I suspect that many of us are more moral than yourself.

    Here's a moral case - I think it is immoral to kill people without giving them a chance and although you say that it is the great tribulation that will kill most people off, if you actually listen to what the society says the great tribulation is started by the destruction of Babylon the Great when Jehovah leads Gog of Magog by the nose. This means that Jehovah will be responsible for starting it in which case the responsibility will be his for letting people know that there is a choice to be made.

    As far as the preaching work goes the magazines have very little value to the people - most people have a quick glance and then throw them away. The society has chosen just about the most ineffective way of preaching, and we ought to know, my wife was a pioneer. You talk to us as though we know nothing but I left because of people like yourself, people who spouted their own ideas that are even more harsh than the societys. I cannot imagine Christ Jesus preaching what you preach.

    I guarantee that you dont include this sort of material in talks and items given in the kingdom halls. I have never heard anything like this from any elder giving talks from the platform, I have never read anything like this in the magazines. Now, running ahead of the society is considered apostacy itself, by the society. So I welcome you now as the King of Apostates!

    You cannot deny that your thoughts are apostate thoughts because according to the society an apostate is one who goes by his own thinking and preaches his own thinking as if it was from Jehovah and this is what you do here.

    I havent got anything against you personally because I dont know you, the only thing I am against is the destructive ideas that you put across. From your previous posts I know your record of being correct is about as good as the societys record. So I think we can all sleep safely in our beds tonight. But if the society still had its hold on me and I was talking as you do then I would be a worried man, just in case the society found out...

  • individual

    You Know

    Here's another thought for you - according to the bible if you look at another woman with desire you have already committed adultery in your heart, so therefor it would follow that if you look at the people in the world with destruction in your heart you have already committed murder. See, Jehovah looks at the heart and knows that if you were free to do so you would commit these actions....

  • You Know
    You Know
    You make a huge assumption in saying we are all immoral, you may be right in one or two cases

    LOL! You must be trying out some material for a stand-up comic routine, right? Tell me you are kidding man. You have got to be joking, right?

    I think it is immoral to kill people without giving them a chance

    Yes, killing people is immoral. That's why Jehovah is determined to bring this world into judgment because of the untold millions who have been murdered and crushed by grinding poverty and denied justice. The tribulation will simply be the last straw that strips this system bear for all to see just how evil it really is. That's why God's prophet says that the "earth and the works in it will be exposed."

    I guarantee that you dont include this sort of material in talks and items given in the kingdom halls. I have never heard anything like this from any elder giving talks from the platform, I have never read anything like this in the magazines. Now, running ahead of the society is considered apostacy itself, by the society. So I welcome you now as the King of Apostates!

    LOL! That is one of the apostate's typical reactions when faced with a truth that the Watchtower has not clearly spelled out for you. Usually the apostate accuser calls Jehovah's Witnesses braindead Watchtower zombies, but when someone relates something not found in the Watchtower your typical accusation is that we are apostates like you. It should be obvious that you simply are adverse to the truth.

    I cannot imagine Christ Jesus preaching what you preach.

    Let's face it, you don't really know Jesus. Your fatal assumption is that you do though. As a matter of fact Jesus spoke about a great tribulation that would come, not just upon tiny little Jerusalem, but upon all mankind. He also foretold very plainly that unless each one repents they will be destroyed. Jesus described his apostate enemies like weeds that are destined to be gathered up by his angels and cast into the firey furnace. Obviously you do not wish to accept Jesus' words concerning Jehovah's oncoming judgment because you know you are on the wrong end of the scale.

    You cannot deny that your thoughts are apostate thoughts because according to the society an apostate is one who goes by his own thinking and preaches his own thinking as if it was from Jehovah and this is what you do here.

    The apostate is only intent upon deflecting the light of Jehovah's judgment from yourself. It doesn't matter whether it is out of the Watchtower or from my keyboard, the facts speak for themselves and that is what you hate to hear.

    I havent got anything against you personally because I dont know you, the only thing I am against is the destructive ideas that you put across.

    Calling attention to the prophecies of God's word regarding your world is not destructive. The world is destructive. That fact that you would have us believe that it is a good place makes you part of the criminal enterprize. There are those who don't care one bit for the Bible who recognize that the world is in a near terminal situation. The fact that you CLAIM to know the Bible makes you even more accoutable before God. / You Know

  • Seeker

    Give it up, You Know. 2001 is soon over and with it your last vestige of credibility. Procrastinator's Anonymous is waiting with open arms.

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    From the way YouKnow talks you'd think him and god were butt budies. God must tell You Know exactly who he thinks should live and die.

    The very fact that he is talking and associating with apostates which include Dissasociated and disfelowshiped should render him Disfellowshiped himself.

  • AGuest

    And who is most 'reprehensible' in their 'apostasy', You Know...

    1. Those who 'belong' to the Christ by means of an ANOINTING with holy spirit, or a CLAIM to be, but have LEFT THE LOVE THEY HAD AT FIRST...that for the TRUTH (John 14:6)... to go following after 'other gods', including the 'golden calf' of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Kingdom Service... Incorporated... which they have CALLED 'Jehovah'... and who have, themselves APOSTACIZED and 'stood AWAY' from the ONE AND ONLY 'mediator' between God and man... the TRUE King and Lord APPOINTED by God Himself... the One given as their 'husbandly owner' and who BOUGHT them with his own blood... His Son, my Lord... JAHESHUA


    2. Those who have been shut OUT of the kingdom of my Father by the MAKERS of such golden calf... rebellious priests, wicked scribes and Pharisees... and FALSE christs (anointed)... and so have not yet PROFANED a 'covenant'... for they were never granted entry INTO it... by means of being prohibited from eating the Passover Lamb and being 'sprinkled' with the Blood of ratification... and thus HAVING NO COVENANT to profane... but have STOOD AWAY from such 'false' idol, such 'golden calf'... and so have been 'abandoned by the hired man', because they are NOT his sheep... and so he does not CARE for the sheep and abandons them to the 'wolf'... the WILD BEAST... that is the conglomerated CORPORATE entity of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Kingdom Service... Incorporated...

    Tell me, You Know... tell us ALL...

    WHO... is most reprehensible... and the TRUE 'apostates'? The 'bad shepherds'... or the 'sheep' that have been 'snatched and scattered' BY such shepherds?

    Think HARD... before you attempt to answer.

    A slave of Christ,


  • You Know
    You Know
    Tell me, You Know... tell us ALL...

    I have told you many times, and yet you do not believe. Jehovah's judgment begins FIRST with his own house. The question you people should ask is this: "Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God? And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly man and the sinner make a showing?" (1 Peter 4:17)

    Please notice that Peter didn't even bother to ask about how it will end for the accursed children of the apostasy. It should be obvious. / You Know

  • joelbear


    Friday disappears. You Know appears.


  • Deacon

    I'm not going to argue that Youknow N'owt's bait-and-switch tactics are filled with a number of very clear-cut and blatant lies -- lies of both omission and commission. Nor am I going to argue that his recommendations are barbarism redux.

    I'm not going to argue those factors, because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that most other disruptive, hectoring poseurs are not as homicidal as they seem. Some background is in order: I stand by what others have written before, that he is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside himself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of his wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees.

    In the strictest sense, he is careless with data, makes all sorts of causal interpretations of things without any real justification, has a way of combining disparate ideas that don't seem to hang together, seems to show a sort of pride in his own biases, gets into all sorts of imprudent speculation, and then makes no effort to test out his speculations -- and that's just the short list!

    Our goal must now be to face our problems realistically, get to the root of our problems, and be determined to solve them. Not handle the living death that our erstwhile friend is experiencing..it is for him to blow his own smokescreen from the orifice of choice...

  • MDS

    Hi "You Know":

    ...but, that, the spirit of the truth would at some point speak about all things plainly. That process of being guided into all the truth is obviously not complete...In fact, as the apostle Paul noted in the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians, that at present we still only see the hazy outline of reality, but that at Christ's arrival the truth will be fully and finally revealed...

    What Paul said above shows things would remain "hazy" or unclear to Christ's true disciples "until that which is COMPLETE arrives."

    Paul said,

    "For we [first century christians] have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with." -- 1 Corinthians 13:9, 10

    Our "partial" understanding of Scripture, our "partial knowledge" of the Bible, will indeed, be "done away with," discarded as outdated and obsolete, when "that which is complete" arrives.

    This "arrival" of "that which is complete," also alludes to and is infact the same work of the Great, powerful activity of the "Spirit of Truth," that leads or guides Christ's disciples into "ALL TRUTH" and even "declares the things coming," or the future itself. After being properly instructed, now, at God's designated time, Christ's true disciples will even know the future. And they can now even "DECLARE" it. Because God Jehovah, has granted this special "knowledge", the product of the special activity of the "The Spirit of Truth", or the activity of "that which is COMPLETE." It is this activity, the Special Work of the "Spirit of Truth" or "that which is complete," that will straighten out all things for the disciples of Christ...BEFORE Jesus comes in a capacity of "Inspector" of the "world's" affairs.

    Jesus makes sure by "sending" the "Spirit of Truth" BEFORE he makes His Final Inspection.

    Yes, first Christ "sends" the "helper," ... that which is "complete," the "Spirit of Truth," who then guides the True Church into "All Truth," and "declares" the future to them also.

    Jehovah and Jesus are fair in all things, especially where any "judgment" is involved. They "send" help first, BEFORE the actual All-Important, spiritual Inspection of the "world."

    Thus, the "spirit of truth" arrives BEFORE Jesus comes. Its mission, is to bring Christ's disciples unto "ALL TRUTH" before Jesus arrives. That's BEFORE Jesus arrives.

    "However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he [AND NOT JESUS] will guide you into ALL THE TRUTH, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you things coming [THE FUTURE]. That one will glorify me [JESUS], because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to you[CHRIST'S DISCIPLES]. -- John 16:13, 14

    The true disciples of Christ, LEARN, LEARN, LEARN from the "Spirit of Truth" or "that which is complete." They learn ALL TRUTH, and even the FUTURE of mankind, BEFORE, that's before, before Jesus arrives.

    Thus, before Jesus arrives, "that which is complete" arrives, or the "Spirit of Truth," which will give the "world" a great testimony of truth or "witness" of truth. The "Spirit of Truth" will give "convincing evidence" to the "world" concerning "sin", concerning "righteousness" and "judgment." This great spiritual work is done BEFORE Jesus arrives. For it is none other than Jesus himself, who "sends" him to his disciples. The Bible makes that point quite clear.

    "Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper will by no means come to you; but if I do go my way, I will send him to you. And when that one arrives he will give the world convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment." -- John 16:7, 8

    So, clearly, Jesus sends the "helper," the "Spirit of Truth." He sends "that which is complete." And this is before Jesus "arrives" for the Final Inspection. And that one, the "Spirit of Truth," brings "glory to" Jesus, by his activity.

    So, the activity of the "Spirit of Truth" then comes before the final Inspection of this "world's" affairs by Jesus. Thus time is allowed by Jehovah for the special work of the "Spirit of Truth," to be carried out before Jesus' Inspection. This is exactly what Jesus said the "helper" would do before his Final Inspection. Namely that it would give the Great Testimony, the "witness" to the "world." A "witness" is given to "the world" where "convincing evidence" concerning "righteousness, judgment and sin" are presented openly to the "world" its exposure made clear. All this before the Final Inspection.

    The point is, as it relates to the ongoing apostasy among Jehovah's Witnesses, is that Jesus retains absolute control over the dispensation of God's sacred treasury of truth...In effect, that means that Christ indirectly takes responsibility for the errors and misunderstandings that exist among his anointed congregation seeing that it is his stated purpose to only reveal the whole truth at the time of his arrival

    Absolute Blasphemy against Jesus Christ!

    As said above, the "Spirit of Truth" handles that, it "reveals the whole truth" long before Jesus comes for Final Inspection. You are confusing the work of the "Spirit of Truth," the "helper," the activity of "that which is complete," that Jesus himself "sends" before hand, with actual "Final Inspection" activity of Jesus. You are attributing work to Jesus, that he has already prescribed to be done by the "Spirit of Truth," the "helper," that is supposed to "bring glory" to Jesus BEFORE he "Inspects" things.

    John 16:14 says,

    "That one will glorify me...and declare it to you."

    This is clearly the activity of the "Spirit of Truth," which brings "glory" to Jesus ... and NOT Jesus himself.

    The "Spirit of Truth", "that which is complete", does all of the real Teaching to the disciples of Christ...and NOT Christ.

    You are very confused.


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