by You Know 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Dear Indy's Wife... may you have peace!

    Unfortunately, dear one, You Know CANNOT look in the 'mirror' and see himself... for he is 'blind'. He was offered eyesalve... holy spirit... in order to have the 'scales' removed and his sight 'restored'... by he rejected such 'salve'... holy spirit... by his blasphemy against such spirit.

    Thus, although he is naked and poor and blind and miserable and pitiable... he 'rejected' the means by which such could have been healed... and thus does not KNOW that he is.

    I pray for him... and fear for him.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Winston


    Lets leave all judging to Jesus Christ, You Know is not with out hope.
    Come on lets not get Watchtowery all over again.

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • AGuest

    Dearest Winston... may you have peace!

    Dear one, I have 'judged' NO one. If You Know committed blasphemy with his own mouth (which he did), and there is a 'judgment' for that... it is not I who condemned him; he condemned himself.

    Let me explain:

    Let's say you go out and purposefully kill someone. What does that make you? A 'murderer', yes? And so, in referring to you, I can say that you are a 'murdered', for that is what a 'murderer' does, yes? What I can NOT do, however, is determine your SENTENCE for such murder, judge... and CONDEMN you. I can 'call a spade a spade'... but what BECOMES of that spade... it not my 'call'.

    Another example:

    A woman 'caught in the act of adultery' was brought to my Lord by people who wished her stoned. Why? Because the Law Covenant 'condemned' her act... the sentence being 'death by stoning'... and they wished my Lord to 'pass sentence'. Did he? Nope. Did he deny her act? Nope, he acknowledged it... but he DID NOT JUDGE... AND CONDEMN... her to undergo the SENTENCE of her act.

    In keeping with this 'spirit', rather than CONDEMNING You Know... I simply 'exposed' his 'error'... before all onlookers... because I have TRIED in the past to warn him discreetly. It is he that failed to 'hear'... and thus was ALLOWED to 'sin with his mouth'. And as taught me by my Lord, I said that my prayers are for You Know to be shown mercy... which they are... and that I 'fear' for him... which I do... but above that... always... ALWAYS... for the 'will' of my Father... WHATEVER it may be, including mercy... be done.

    You have been misled by 'religion' to misunderstand what 'judging'... is. I hope I have helped to 'enlighten' you, as I have been permitted, with regard to the TRUTH of the matter.

    Again, I bid you peace, and I am...

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • You Know
    You Know
    Jesus taught love, where is your love YouKnow? Jesus loved people, he had compassion for them.

    Tell me Individual's Wife, when Jesus exposed the enemies of the truth in his day, pointing out that they were hypocrites and murderous vipers, was he being unloving? You and your husband, as well as others, boast that you know Jesus, but it is obvious that you don't. But anyway, how do you answer? / You Know

  • AGuest
    when Jesus exposed the enemies of the truth in his day, pointing out that they were hypocrites and murderous vipers, was he being unloving?

    Why, then, are you HERE... O man 'fluent in the language of prophecy'... attempting to further 'snatch and scatter' my Father's sheep... who have ALREADY been mishandled and mistreated by the 'bad shepherds' and 'abandoned to the wolf' by the 'hired man'? Why are you HERE... and not in BROOKLYN and PATTERSON, NEW YORK... 'EXPOSING the enemies'... of the TRUTH, my Lord?

    (John 14:6)

    Perhaps, it is because you are of their 'sort'... a hypocrite and murderous viper yourself? Tell me... tell us all... how do YOU answer?

    A slave of Christ,


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife
    Tell me Individual's Wife, when Jesus exposed the enemies of the truth in his day, pointing out that they were hypocrites and murderous vipers, was he being unloving? You and your husband, as well as others, boast that you know Jesus, but it is obvious that you don't. But anyway, how do you answer? / You Know

    The most hypocritical and venomous people I have ever had the misfortunate to meet have been in the ranks of the JWs. They claim to hold the moral high ground yet I knew of things that were going on that were abysmal and totally unethical, things that were happening in peoples private lives. They hide their wrongdoings behind the facade of the religion.

    I do not boast that I know Jesus, in fact, I do not have any religious leanings at all any more, thanks to the JWs, they managed to suck all my spiritual fervour out of me. I now choose to sit on the fence and reflect on my beliefs. I could never love or respect the god of the JWs, to me he is very vindictive and cruel if he plans to kill millions of innocent people just because they cannot accept the views of people like you. All I know is that the supposed love of the Christ is not in the JWs.

    Do you honestly think that by posting here you will bring people back into the organisation?? Do you honestly think they would want to spend an eternity with a man like you??

  • Kat_

    My post basically reiterates IW's earlier thoughts but I had to put my 2 cents in anyway. I am very new to this board and had, up until now, decided to keep my thoughts to myself on subjects which I feel I am not knowledgable or strong enough to debate. Call me a coward--call me passive...I don't know myself who or what I am. I am in the processing of trying to learn for myself what God is all about. All my life, until recently, I have been taught one way, the WT way. I was warned never to question or doubt, for that would be Satan's evil at work. I was warned that everyone on this Earth who was not a JW was, to put it simply, evil. Even after making the scary, troubling decision to officially 'open my eyes' to other possibilities, the one thing that kept creeping back into my mind was the fear that I was wrong and, therefore, evil...letting Satan take over my mind and heart. Even now, this nagging doubt has occasionally reared it's ugly head.
    But I would like now to express my deepest gratitude to you, YouKnow. In just your thread of posts alone, I have seen that I was indeed correct in questioning the faith. By your own words you have actually helped me to feel better about this whole 'apostacy' thing; you have relieved much of my guilt about abandoning Jehovah. Because now I realize I didn't abandon God--I just abandoned the organization. The God I've been reading about is forgiving. He warns us not to judge one another. He teaches us humility. He teaches us that ALL of us are to love and be loved. We are to LOVE our enemies, as well. I sensed contempt and derision from you towards others on this board. You didn't just talk 'to' the other posters--you talked 'down' to them. I cannot sit here and claim to know the truth about anything. Who am I to presume to know the true plans of our Father? Who am I to set dates? Who am I to decide what is 'acceptable' in God's eyes? Who am I to shun a supposed sinner until they 'repent', when in actuality, their purity of heart and love of God may put my own well-meaning heart to shame? My goal since coming here was and still is not to judge anyone, only to learn what I can from others. I have seen much bickering on this board over doctrines and scriptures. I can't even get into those things because I have much to learn myself. The one reason I am posting on this thread, which I promised myself I wouldn't do, is because I feel I have to address the self-righteous, incredibly insulting way in which many current JW's are behaving. They are getting cockier by the minute and it saddens me. It's one thing to be proud of your faith and joyously proclaim your feelings to others...but it's quite another thing to go out into the world and say "I am right, you're wrong--I'll live, you'll die." Awful. The lack of humility is absolutely astonishing! And quite frightnening. I can't say all JW's are like this, though. There are many JW's whom I admire for their convictions and loving, humble dispositions. But I agree with Individuals Wife wholeheartedly; those negative, arrogant qualities found in todays posts are prevalent in the society.


    PS: I resent you categorizing all 'apostates' into an immoral, sinful group. I try my hardest to be a righteous, loving person. Just because I lost faith in the organization it doesen't mean I am an evil person, as you would have us think. I didn't have any awful experience that made me turn away from the "Truth" so I bear no ill-will towards JW's. That would mean hating my own family, whom I love with all my heart. In fact, the one reason I don't want to face any of them is because I do not have it in me to put them down and insult them, as I know they will surely do to me. They are so good at debating and making a person feel inferior that it would be a losing battle for me. And, after I do find the strength and courage to come out with my true feelings, if my famiy decides to shun me, then so be it. I, on the other hand, will always be there for them, through thick and thin, no matter what.

  • AGuest

    Dearest Kat... BRAVO! I APPLAUD your 'courage'... in leaving off following the 'golden calf'... AND in speaking out to You Know.

    May you have peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • bboyneko

    kat_, thank you for your long and insightful post. This is why alot of us take the time to reply to self-righteous people like YouKnow, because we know many like you are sitting on the sidelines watching and seeing how both sides conduct themselves.

    Your post made me feel better about giving the time to reply to guys like him. And anyone with a little common sense can see that indeed, there is a lot of arrogance, talking-down and hate in the 'preaching' of ones who tell you to repent or die.

    And also, it is a tendency among JW's to categrozie all apostates as a big, organized anti-religion with satan as its head. When I left I spoke at length to an elder's son who is Bethel, and he told me 'Why are you joining this group? Don't you know they are crazy, full of hate and lie? They picket out in front of bethel and all they do is hate.' And when I told my mom that I had seen so much more love and compassion in 'worldy people', she said 'Of course they will treat you nicely, you are now one of them'

    it's so much easier to think in black and white. The reality of the world is that many, many ethical issues are grey fuzzy. Good luck in your searches. I too, was scared that i wasn't good enough to debate with seasoned JW's. You'll soon gain confidence because you have real truth on your side. You dont have all the answers, but you do know one thing, the JW's are not worshiping God as they ought.


  • You Know
    You Know


    I do not boast that I know Jesus

    That is not true. You said I wasn't measuring up to Christ because he was always nice to his enemies. Youy assume that you know Jesus. Obviously you can't account for the fact that Jesus frequently torched his enemies with stinging rebukes.

    I do not have any religious leanings at all any more, thanks to the JWs, they managed to suck all my spiritual fervour out of me.

    We all know that that is a lie. We are each one responsible for our own spirituality. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses are happy and thriving in their congregations. Why haven't we all had the "spiritual fervor sucked out of us"? You are no doubt one of many disgruntled Dubs who had their mind poisoned with Ray Franz's gossip and now you want to blame someone else for your busted faith. I have seen the same scenario acted out dozens, if not hundreds, of times over the years. I have yet to see even one XJW take responsibility for allowing themselves to be stumbled. It is always someone else's fault that you lost your faith in God. / You Know

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