read the bible daily? Honestly do you? Or is it collecting dust on a table or shelf somewhere?
Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, still......
by defd 100 Replies latest jw friends
Just cleaned the basement and tossed several bibles and numberous other WT publications
I read the Internet Daily
That is typical of ones who left God
I must be honest and say I dont read it daily as in reading a whole section but I do look up scriptures for reference. I use the NWT and I love the living bible when I want to read a whole portion and get the sense and feel of it. Ive used the living bible for "bible reading" for quite a while, I was recomended to use it by the PO wife.
So thanks for the reminder, Defd and by the way do you ? ( honestly now everyday ?)
I know some JWs who would never read the Bible if the WTS did occasionally quote one in their publications.
How long have you been beating your wife?
Pole of the "demonstrating implicature in the question" class -
read the bible daily?
Huh? You kiddin?
I must just add though, now that ive put my WTs down and read it with an open mind, it does have a lot more relavence and personel meaning in my life. I understand it better, now that I feel its written for me.
I don't read the bible at all unless I'm searching for a scripture.
I'm tired of theory, I want the real thing.
defd, don't be rude ("typical of those who have left God"). Just because SOME of us may not read the Bible daily doesn't mean that we have left God. Perhaps we are merely expanding our horizons a little. I find it interesting that certain books were left out of the collection of books we know as the Bible -- the Ethiopian church has them but mainstream Christianity (which includes Jehovah's Witnesses) does not. Why was that? Were the members of the Nicean Council "inspired" by God to include only certain books and not others, or was it an arbitrary decision made by a bunch of Catholic guys who had their own agenda? If the latter, why should we trust their judgment? I can't think of a practicing JW today who would trust ANYONE from the Catholic Church, yet that's who decided what we read and put faith in.
Read some of Leolaia's threads on Biblical history and you may have some things to think about.
And in answer to your question, no, I don't read the Bible daily. However, I still pray daily and I call God "Jehovah" -- I figure if that's not the name of God and it really bugs God, then God will let me know his/her/its proper name. If not, then God can accept that I am using that name in faith and with love.