Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, still......

by defd 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • MerryMagdalene

    Hi, Defd~

    (1) I didn't leave Jehovah's Organization, I left Judge Rutherford's Organization. If "Jehovah" has an "organization" I think it's called the universe.

    (2) I do read the Bible twice daily, morning and evening, and am enjoying doing so very much, using a technique (lectio divina) I learned from a Catholoc monastic website. Step 1 (lectio)--read a scripture. Step 2 (meditatio)--think about one part of it that stands out as significant in that moment, ponder it, see where you're mind takes you, write down questions and insights it may trigger. Step 3 (oratio)--pray to God, using your thoughts on the scripture to help you formulate your prayer. Step 4 (contemplatio)--commune with God silently and just be in His presence. I mostly read the KJV as found at E-Sword. But I also have my Grandad's ASV (I'm sentimental that way). And I use Spurgeon's Daily (Protestant) as the basis of my lectio divina (Catholic).

    (3) I also enjoy reading The Other Bible which contains scriptures from the Gnostic Gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls, Visionary Wisdom Texts, Christian Apocrypha, Jewish Pseudepigrapha, and Kabbalah.

    (4) My mother recently asked me to read Jehovah's Witnesses--Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, so I have just completed a review of the first 4 chapters for her, complete with notes on the things they say therein with which I take issue.

    (5) Other things I do daily include Chi Gong, healing affirmations, laundry, dishes, food prep, listening to my favorite musician (tijkmo), pre-schooling my daughter, and having fun with her.

    (6) And, most importantly, now that I am no longer a JW, I have been drawn into an intimate personal relationship with Christ which is beyond anything I had ever imagined or experienced before.

    Thanks for asking. Glad you're here with us


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, the bible daily? Honestly do you? Or is it collecting dust on a table or shelf somewhere?

    Let me address your question point by point, ok?

    Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization

    I left precisely due to the fact that it can be fully proven that the Jewish God YHWH [considered Jehovah by several religions, but more accurate renditions of the Name are well known ] did not not select the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses as His organization. You cannot prove that He did so. If so, please do! the bible daily?

    As a witness, I did not read it daily. I never knew an honest witness who did. I read the Watchtower pubs daily, and I read the Bible frequently too, but mostly to see if I could prove the points made in the Watchtower to be right. The Bible was just a reference work used to prove the Watchtower right for most witnesses. I do generally read the Bible daily now however, as an ex-witness. It is rich and spiritual and has deeper meaning now that the Watchtower filters no longer blind me to the truth of what is said there. I have, if my count is correct, about 15 translations on the shelf to my right.I have the NWT, but generally consider it to be flawed due to the handiwork of Freddy the pseudo-scholar. But that is another thread.

    Honestly do you?


    Or is it collecting dust on a table or shelf somewhere?

    That would be the Watchtower pubs that are still in my house. Most have been taken to the KH and left on the doorstep, but I suppose there are a few remaining here and there. They are collecting dust I am afraid. That is what dead and outdated books usually do. I have considered doing as the early Christians did with the demon inspired magic books and having a nice bonfire to exorcise the demons, that would be fitting perhaps. Jeff

  • free2beme

    No, although I am surprised at how many scriptures I do remember.

  • Perry

    Once a person reaches a certain spiritual level, they simply no longer need to read the bible. They can hear God directly and feel perfectly at home in answering him verbally. My wife tries to give me some little purple pills to keep the conversations down, but I only pretend to take them. She says I have a beautiful mind.

  • JAVA

    Being an ex-cult member has lifted the religious blinders for me. The Bible, like most so-called holly books, is written by humans, and nothing more.
    Like most JWs, I didn't read it that much except what was required to look up during meetings. Like most JWs, the Watchtower Society became the law of the land, and to think otherwise showed spiritual weakness. The Bible was only a tool to prove the Watchtower Society was the correct religion, and all others were following Satan. Indeed, the Bible can support any argument, foolish or wise.
    I have no reason to read it today.

  • jillbedford

    I try to read the Bible, at least one verse very day. Reality, it is 4 or 5 times a week.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    "Jehovah's people" claim the Bible is only for them and that only they can understand it properly. They even go further and say only the annointed can understand it. So, why should anyone else bother? That's why the Watchtower publications are so crucial to their exitence. Take away the credibility of the publications and the Bible becomes a book for everyone.

    By my choice I pray more and read less. More personal and direct.

    Watchtower publications have become the club newsletters, too exclusive and out of touch with any other reality.


  • jaffacake

    Been away & haven't read the full thread, so sorry if I'm repeating someone else.

    Where did you get the notion that Jehovah needs an 'organisation'? Don't telll me you're putting men on pedestals again?

    “Do not put your trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”

    It took me 20 years of freedom to start seeing beyond indoctrination, but I reckon you could do it in a quarter of that time.

  • kid-A

    Two problems with the title of this thread:

    1) This was not, and is not gods (or his english name, jehovahs) is a multi-billion dollar publishing corporation.

    2) Which bible are you referring to, the real bible, or the bull-#%$! translation of Fred Franz Incorporated?

  • Krystal

    Who actually read it daily before anyways?!?! Not me!!

    I think I read more of it from the quotes in the posts here then I did before!!! LOL

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