I know some here do. I could never do it. Is it maybe cause I have only learned the "truth?" I have a hard time sitting at worldly weddings. Like in the catholic church, up down kneel, up, down, kneel! I just sit still! I have a family member that goes to a different church, and loves it. If you do already, how did you feel the first time you went? I felt guilty just going in for the wedding!!
Could you go to another religion?
by ButtLight 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I felt guilty just going in for the wedding!!That was your conscience buttlight. You should listen to it. As for me I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER Join a church. I remember when I first was baptised as a witness i was so zelous for God and Jesus I wouldnt even turn my car around using a church PARKING LOT. Although I do admit that was over the top and now I have no problem with it
I was raised a Catholic, then I was a JW. Since I left the JWs I went to a catholic Church once, for my nephew's wedding. It felt weird being there after so many years. Now my sister is trying to convert me back to Catholicism, but it won't happen. No matter where I go I would probably just sit there and think about how full of shit they are.
I don't know where I even stand right now!
I definetly plan on being more spiritual than religious. If I ever step foot in a religous place it will be non-denominational.
I have become a devout Last Thursdayist.
A Last Thursdayist believes that the universe was created last Thursday. All of your memories from before then were cleverly inserted into your mind to make you believe that you existed before last Thursday. This is very similar to the way the geological record, dinosaur bones and light from distant galaxies was also setup to make it look like the universe is much older. This was all put into place to ensure that the universe functioned correctly and also serves to expose the nonbelievers so they may be burned at the stake for the blasphemers they are.
After the JW experience, I won't go to any other religion..... I believe in God, and I rather deal with the Creator than with imperfect men.
Big Dog
Sure, its not that hard to do as long as you don't still hang on to the WBTS had the truth, or unless you have decided that religion is just a total waste of time.
A Last Thursdayist believes that the universe was created last Thursday. All of your memories from before then were cleverly inserted into your mind to make you believe that you existed before last Thursday. This is very similar to the way the geological record, dinosaur bones and light from distant galaxies was also setup to make it look like the universe is much older. This was all put into place to ensure that the universe functioned correctly and also serves to expose the nonbelievers so they may be burned at the stake for the blasphemers they are.
What you been smokin alfalpha?
I get this god awful feeling when I walk into a church. I actually got mad once, when they said to come up for the bread thingy they put on your tounge, and said if you were not in that faith, you could not partake! (not that I would have)! I felt like I was worshiping the devil! Too crazy
Again buttlight, that is you CONSCIENCE! Listen to it. I would have felt the same