If the question posed means whether or not I would become a visiting/active member of another religion (denomination of an established religion, cult, sect, faction, schism, offshoot, etc)then, the answer is obviously NO.
However, I would share conversation with people who appreciated the benefits of practicing good towards others simply because it is positive and causes reciprocation, like "paying it forward". Goodness and kindness practiced towards other humans without pretense, without agenda, without supposition, only for the sake of spreading more good and positive energy and behavior which the planet always needs more and more these days.
I could not participate in a religion ever again or ascribe to a set of teachings/dogma that was created by other humans and that required accepting some authority figure or deity/divine being as an object/person of worship. I just want to try as hard as I can and as often as I can to pay it forward to my fellow humans, without prejudice or requisites.