Could you go to another religion?

by ButtLight 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ButtLight
    Again buttlight, that is you CONSCIENCE

    Yes, I understand that. But what if I wasnt raised in the truth, and had gone to other religions before that, I dont think I would have a problem with it then.

    And what is that smokey thing they wave back and forth up and down the isles? And what is it for?

  • defd

    And what is that smokey thing they wave back and forth up and down the isles


  • Finally-Free
    And what is that smokey thing they wave back and forth up and down the isles? And what is it for?

    Hey, that's burning incense! I used to play with those all the time when I was a kid. (I was also a Catholic alter boy) Whenever my mom smelled smoke on me I'd just tell her it was the incense from church.


  • ButtLight

    And what is that smokey thing they wave back and forth up and down the isles

    Glad to make you laught defd, but Im serious! And the preacher was a nut job, he was yelling at everyone from the platform, and I couldnt help it and I started laughing, and got everyone around me laughing!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Seriously Butt, I felt the same way at first, being raised a JW just makes you think that all other churches and church goes are freaks (talk about the pot calling the kettle black) and that everything they do is weird etc. That is just sort of normal about things you don't understand. When I met my wife I started going with her to the Catholic church, for me this was really weird, total freak show, but once I was convinced that the JW's were full of crap I just started watching what was going on with a different view point. First thing I noticed was that the people there by and large were a whole lot more normal than the good folks I grew up around at the KH. And once I began to understand what was behind some of the rituals etc. while I didn't always buy it, it no longer seemed so weird to me as they have a decent explination for most of what they do.

    The unfamiliar always seems strange, but I am glad that I don't have that knee jerk revulsion for other religions and churches anymore so that I can go to a wedding or funeral and participate without getting the creepy crawlies.

  • defd

    I was once an alter boy. It was a weird experience. I rang the bell and everything

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    You were raised Catholic Defd?

  • ChrisVance

    No way.

  • Finally-Free
    I was once an alter boy. It was a weird experience. I rang the bell and everything

    Yeah, me too. We used to steal bags of hosts and alter wine too. W

  • defd

    Yes i was. I was raised Catholic, went to a Catholic school, My entire family are hard core Catholics.

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