Could you go to another religion?

by ButtLight 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • damselfly
    Dams....LMAO....Don't you know they go there to get their exercise for the week! ( I was raised a Catholic)

    I didn't think I'd spend so much time on my knees in church


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I read and interesting essay once called "What is True Religion" which I found interesting. It looked at religion from social utility viewpoint rather than which doctrines were "right", really got me thinking about how a religion might not be "true" so to speak but can have a valuable social utility.

  • ButtLight

    big dog, I dont have the doggy balls you have!

    thanks jgnat! But they need to put some insence that smells better in that thing!

    I didn't think I'd spend so much time on my knees in church

    LMFAO! Me either! And how they repeat everything when they are standing, I felt like an idiot, cause I had no clue what to say!

  • damselfly
    LMFAO! Me either! And how they repeat everything when they are standing, I felt like an idiot, cause I had no clue what to say!

    Yet another social stituation where I just smile and nod slightly.


  • anewme

    I accepted invitations to other churches since my dfing. Purely educational.
    But now I ask if their church teaches a fiery hell before I visit. I do not believe in hell fire and now refuse to attend a church where that is a base teaching. I will not go to a church where fear of hell fire is taught.

    Buttlight, This last Sunday I went to the K.H.

    I've been praying about this.

    I miss Jehovah very much.

    I realize now I was rebelling against my very strict husband and our WAY TOO INVOLVED THEOCRATIC LIFESTYLE.

    Now that I am remarried to a nice man who doesnt mind if I go back, I have been praying to "see" a new way I could approach being a witness that wont drive me crazy.

    I started reading the Bible again (actually encouraged by this board in the beliefs and doctrine section)

    I read scriptures that seemed to be speaking right to me of love and compassion.

    I prayed to Jehovah. A peace came over me and I knew the time was right to return.

    I went with a request for reinstatement letter in my bookbag.

    This is a new hall in a new town, so I asked to speak with the P.O.

    The brother said "I am the P.O."

    He was so kind and sweet! He wrote out his name and address and said welcome and you can call me anytime. I am here for you! Here is a song book and Watchtower.

    I asked him if I was allowed to sing (since I wasnt in my old hall)

    "Sure you can sing! SING YOUR HEART OUT! That is what we will be watching for, whether you are singing and looking up scriptures!"

    Then I heard "Anewme!!!!!"

    An old friend from when I was 19 recognized me and grabbed me and made me sit with her down in front.

    Anyway, I had a wonderful time. I thank Jehovah for hearing my prayer for mercy and kindness.

    By the way, the talk was the same old outline about the Bible being the best guide for our lives.
    Nothing new.........but there was.
    I was like watching an old movie I'd seen many times, but now I am concentrating on other aspects of the movie. My appreciation still found pleasure in many things at the KH.

    I am going to overlook human frailty and error and concentrate on the face of the one who gives me life.


  • Finally-Free

    You silly women have to idea about the real purpose of religious services, do you?

    Ever wonder why the priest is on a pulpit, higher than the congregation? Ever wonder why the platform at the KH is elevated? Or why brothers™ roam around with microphones?

    It's all about CLEAVAGE!!!

    We men like to be in a position that enhances our view of your CLEAVAGE!!!

    Nothing else matters.


  • mrsjones5

    I joined a church last year, it's non-denominational. Glad I did, I enjoy it, my kids enjoy it, and I learn about God, Jesus, and the Word and the fellowship aint bad either. Guilt? No.


  • luna2

    Nope, no more religion. Da Judge pegged it. It's all a snare and a racket he well knew as head racketeer of his own religion.

  • Narkissos

    When I was df'd for "apostasy" my first reaction was "never organised religion again".

    However I was (and in some ways still am) a religious person: and (right or wrong) I felt I somehow needed to share my faith with others. Months before I was df'd I hade come to realise that most if not all JW specifics were wrong. Yet I could stand the JW meetings down to the very end for the people I loved there -- feeding on the faint "overtones" I could find in the most stupid talks, the scattered Bible readings etc. So I was quite convinced that no church service could be worse (which is wrong actually: some can definitely be worse). And at the very least, to borrow from the words of "Peter" in Acts (10:28), "God had shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean." So I was not scared of going to any church.

    A few weeks after I was df'd, I happened to walk past an Evangelical church just a few yards away from my last KH. I noticed there was a "Bible study" scheduled at this very moment, so I came in. It was nice -- a real Bible reading, everyone offering free comments, sometimes very good ones. I shared very naturally.

    This happened to be a very moderate Evangelical church, with pretty classical services. Bach instead of the Kingdom Songs. Deep, meaningful liturgy. Thoughtful sermons (generally). I loved it and attended there for several years. Met very nice people. Of course in time (especially when I came to study theology) I realised where the Evangelicals stood on many issues and that was not where I was heading to. I didn't really belong there and knew this wouldn't last. But it was a very good experience and I don't regret it for a moment.

  • xjwms


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