What would you have done?

by defd 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i would have kicked him in the shins and said, ''NO! I'M THE MESSIAH!!!''

    luv, jojo

  • bebu
    Sticking by Gods ORG

    WHERE is this amazing command found in the Bible?? Even one occurrence of the word organization would help your case. This is the one commandment that JWs MUST follow, and it is entirely unbiblical.


  • jgnat

    In the first century, I would have been a woman. I would have stayed home and made cookies and kept myself decently veiled in public. I would have TSK'ed the ladies pushing their children through the rough crowds for a mere touch of a popular prophet. If, on the other hand, if my husband had come home and said he'd joined this new prayer-group and he wasn't making sacrifices at the temple any more, I would have jumped up and taken notice.

    I'd be asking him LOTS of questions.

  • kid-A

    I would have been a follower of Christ, he was a cool rebel with an interesting philosophy. However, as soon as I detected Paul twisting all his teachings I would have promptly run off into the mountains to live with the Essenes !!!

  • defd

    The Question is "Would you have concluded that this must not be Jesus Congregation, and LEAVE like some have done here on this DB?

  • defd

    Well yall gotta go, have fun. My shift here in Bethel oops! I mean at work, is over. Catch ya 2marrow!

  • littlerockguy

    I probably would have followed Jesus and asked him questions on doctorines and teachings that could be miscontruded by reading the scriptures or looking at them differently; however the apostles that were blessed with holy spirit and they did not impose and force people to believe and teach certain doctorines that later turned out to be nothing more than a few men's speculations and label other people who dont believe in those speculations apostates and by their definition of apostate they accuse those same people as leaving God since they didn't buy their teachings. By them saying interepretations belong to God and and force people to accept them as coming from God and then changing (NOT FINE TUNING) some of the same teachings they are just like the false prophets God speaks of.

  • jgnat

    Back then, the Christians were the cult. They met privately in people's homes. If a woman of the first century DID join the upstart prayer-group, following her husband's lead, as any decent woman of the time, she would leave the judging to the men. Leaving Corinth for Ephesus, Ephesus for Corinth? There was barely such a concept.

    The Christians did move around a lot to avoid persecution.

    Sure, issues of morality came up and Paul dealt with them. But I really think those early Christians were much more interested in survival. "Shall I make a prayer to Caesar and avoid imprisonment, or be true to my faith?"


  • Cygnus

    Ok dfed, if I belonged to any group that esposed teachings I disagreed with, and expected me to go out in public and teach it as truth, then yes I would stop associating with that group. Call if presumptuos, egotistic, haughty, what you will. I call it principles and innr faith.

  • kid-A

    I wonder what Derricks job is??

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