I have noticed in this thread that some make comparison with the JWS and Catholics. They ask whats the difference. For one WE Worship the one and only true God Jehovah, THEY DO NOT. I know this, I use to be a Catholic. The Catholics pray to Saints and use the Saints as Mediators to God. WE do not. We pray to Jehovah through the proper Mediator, Jesus. The Catholics use IDOLS in there worship. They Light candles before them and kiss there toes and pray to them. We do not. I can go on and on. There is NO comparison .
Okay. WE worship Jehovah, they do not. They use IDOLS in their worship, we do not.
They pray to saints as mediators to God, we have the Faithful and Discreet Slave (a.k.a. the Holy Ones, a.k.a. "Saints") as our mediator to God. Or did you not know that according to the CURRENT CCoJW stand, 1 Timothy 2:5 applies to the Faithful and Discreet Slave alone? They learn from Jesus, by means of Holy Spirit. We learn from them, by means of publications. But, don't take my word for it:
w98 2/1 p. 13 Jehovah Is a God of Covenants
This is the new covenant that Jesus referred to on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. On that occasion, he revealed that the promised covenant was about to be concluded between his disciples and Jehovah, with Jesus as mediator. (1 Corinthians 11:25; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 12:24) Through this new covenant, Jehovah's promise to Abraham was to have a more glorious and lasting fulfillment, as we will see in the following article. (defd, I encourage you to read the entire article and the followup article, for context)
w93 1/1 p. 5 New Creations Brought Forth!In the year 29 of our Common Era, the perfect man, Jesus, presented himself to be baptized by John at the Jordan River. "After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God's spirit coming upon him. Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: 'This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.'" (Matthew 3:16, 17) Thus, the man Christ Jesus was the first of a new creation, anointed to do God's will. Later, on the basis of his sacrificial death, Jesus became the Mediator of a new covenant between God and a select group of men. Each of these has become "a new creation," begotten by God's spirit to a heavenly hope, with the prospect of ruling with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom.---2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:5, 6; Hebrews 9:15.
These articles demonstrate that the latest understanding of the mediation referred to at 1 Timothy 2:5. You mentioned "teaching false doctrine." Did the older men in Jerusalem teach false doctrine? Did Paul or Apollos teach false doctrine? Or did some from within the congregation teach false doctrine? They did not have to deal with false doctrine being promulgated from the Apostles and older men in Jerusalem.
And Paul makes very clear that true Christians should never endure that. (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:1-5, 11-14) When Paul suspected that might be happening, he went to Jerusalem to straighten them out privately. When Peter, one of Jesus' closest companions, came to Antioch Paul resisted him face to face and publicly chastised him. Based on what? Cephas was not walking straight according to the Good News. Was Paul speaking abusively of a glorious one?
Lastly, the Questions From Readers that established current dogma relative to the mediator:
w89 8/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers
Is Jesus the Mediator only for spirit-anointed Christians or for all mankind, since 1 Timothy 2:5, 6 speaks of him as the "mediator" who "gave himself a corresponding ransom for all"?
I won't post it here. Look it up. If you are sincere, you will not be afraid to honestly evaluate whether your religion's dogma is in accordance with Scripture.
As to your style of argument, you bring up doctrine that the Catholics differ with Witnesses on and claim some sort of higher ground due to the fact that the Witnesses may have gotten some things right. The Catholics do the same. Catholics who remain Catholics often fail to look at the things they have gotten wrong.
How do you know that they shouldn't use idols? How do you know that we should worship Jehovah? How do you know they should not pray to saints? From your study of the Bible, right? Well, I am asking you to share your Scriptural evidence that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class of people that has authority, as God's Spirit-Directed (Spirit Inspired) organization, to teach "new light" to the other sheep. If you don't have such evidence, on what do you base your belief in this doctrine?
BTW, Catholics look at our doctrine of "other sheep" and compare that to the Scriptures. It doesn't measure up. When Jesus stated: "I have other sheep which are not of this fold," he was speaking to the Pharisees just after seeking out a man who had been expelled from the synagogue (disfellowshipped). Jesus sought the man out. Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are the only religions I know of that take that Scripture out of context. To my knowledge, every other religion teaches that Jesus was comparing the Jews and Gentiles. Basically, the Pharisees had just made a Gentile out of the man Jesus healed. Jesus was trying to explain that the way would be opened for Gentiles to become one flock with the Jews, under one shepherd.
So the Catholics can forgive themselves for the false doctrines they teach when comparing themselves to JWs by saying, "They teach that 1935 was the cutoff point for the heavenly calling, WE don't. They teach that anyone after that time is going to live on earth, WE don't. They issue false prophecies for year after year and they never come true, WE don't. They say that Jesus is only a mediator for less than 8,000 of their number, WE don't." Your logic is flawed. The presence of truth (even if it really is truth) does not excuse the presence of falsehoods.
This brings up an interesting question: On what do Jehovah's Witnesses base the teaching that the heavenly calling had a cutoff point (except for replacements) in 1935? I have scoured the Scriptures, I have scoured the CD-ROM, and I find nothing on which to base that dogma. I suspect that the authority of the Faithful and Discreet Slave to reveal divinely inspired "new light" was invoked when it became apparent that there would be more adherents than the 144,000 doctrine could account for. I can tell you this, so far in our conversations I do not believe you will be able to find the answers to any of my questions. I doubt you will even try. The blind Pharisees are towing you behind, having eyes you refuse to see.
You have been lulled into a coma. I truly hope you wake up. I have a feeling you and I could be friends.