I have not taken the time to read the very lengthy threads that have been devoted to the Russell subject. Nontheless, I am providing two quotes that were made in 1917 regarding Russell. I would be interested in your interpretation of these. "The special messenger to the last Age of the Church was Charles T. Russell." (The Finished Mystery, 1917, p.53), and "The two most prominent messengers, however, are the first and last - St. Paul and Pastor Russell." (WT Nov. 1, 1917, p. 323). With this kind of veneration, it is surprising that they did not refer to these two mesengers as "St. Paul and St. Charles." Whatever Russell claimed from his own lips, it is pretty clear what the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society thought of him.:
I do not think there is any question what the WT thought of Russell at that time. Even Marley Cole made some very exalted comments about Russell in his work on JWS. But my point is that Russell himself never claimed to be the FDS of Mt 24:45-47. Admittedly, he may have wondered how Jehovah was using him, and what role he would play in the fulfillment of the said passage. But I have never seen any written evidence from Russell himself that proves he claimed to be the FDS.
Duns the Scot
"Nobody is taller than himself or herself."