How many mistresses can a JW elder have?

by Gill 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • R6Laser
    Post your real name & pic and see if they don't harrass you watchtower leaders are the control freaks with a mean streak-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

    Actually the day I walked out I was in the back room having a meeting with all the elders in my KH. That's when I told them how I felt and that I didn't have time to give talks, go out in service or be the accountant for the congregation. They all know me and know that I won't put up with their bull. That was the last time I spoke with them, since then they haven't tried to contact me or DF'ed me. My mother still goes to the same KH and I still see a couple of brothers and sisters and I have no problem speaking with them, we speak they even invite me over.

  • OldSoul

    Good for you! That is excellent and encouraging to hear.

    Now, about that empathy thing...


  • R6Laser

    This is for Danny.

    Here's a picture of me and my friends. This picture was taken years back when we came back from a trip from Lake Geneva, WI. My friends are not JW, so on our way back I said hey let's stop at this KH and take a picture in front of their sign. We all agreed on it and we did it.

    By the way, I'm the one in the middle.

  • Confession

    I used to wonder about the "apointment by Jehovah" position a lot--especially after one of my fellow elders was discovered to be a pedophile. Since I was the chairman of the Judicial Committee that handled it, I came to discover certain facts about his history.

    More than 20 years previous a young man had approached some elders to tell them about this elder's behavior. Apparently it was not clear that outright pedophilia was being charged, but the boy was very adamant that the elder was trying things with him in this vein. Nothing happened. He remained an elder.

    About 5 years previous another young man explicitly charged this elder with fondling him. There were no witnesses, of course. Interestingly, the elder body even did something they weren't supposed to do--according to the organization. They actually proceeded with an investigation, questioning other families with children in our congregation and others as to whether or not their young ones had been abused by this man. It turned up nothing. He stepped aside briefly, but returned as an elder.

    Then finally another accuser surfaced, unwillingly at first. He was now an adult. Another elder and I actually met with him privately to encourage him to come forward. He did. So we had two accusers, proceeded with the committee and, there being no confession made, he was disfellowshiped. After this came to light, even more accusers came forward.

    I was very much the sheep. I was willing to believe the best about the WTS and looked for every reason to continue believing this event did not mean anything ultimately indictable to its not being God's Organization. I had concluded that, although God's spirit was with the WTS, that didn't mean He was in full control of every move made. "What doesn't come out in the wash will come out in the rinse." That was a popular expression among elders where I served. The thinking was that, just as Jehovah doesn't perform miracles today, he also doesn't have angels come down to point out guilty people for us. It took years for evil Biblical characters to receive their just desserts--and so too sometimes today. Jehovah's spirit would eventually see to it that people like this were removed.

    But I'll admit to having difficulty with this--even at that time. Were we talking about the Almighty God of the Universe here? Or some silly little garden gnome? If the Most High God were really using this organization, setting it apart as His own, viciously sensitive to the little sheep within being mistreated...would it really take His spirit 20 or 30 years to fix something so heinous? Would He really allow a repeat pedophile to step aside as an elder a few times--and then return, as if by the operation of His spirit, to shepherd the flock again? Wouldn't preventing something like this from happening--say compared to creating the universe--be a pretty simple thing for Him?

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    The kinds of things I learn on this forum disgust and outrage me . Not from the standpoint of being a prude ... I believe in live and let live ... but the fact that I was a part of this BS organization and actually believed .... even promoted the fact that "Jehovah's Witnesses are moral, upright, Godly people" .

    Plus the fact that gossip is suppressed (and I tried to follow the rules to the letter, so I didn't know anything!!!) is just another tactic of the gutless boobies in keeping the real truth from their followers along with the rest of the world. They are just another religion at best and one of the most destructive cults on the planet at worst.

    Down with the WatchTower!!!!!

    sweet tee

  • lawrence

    White washed graves, full of dead bones. What a filthy lot of bastards, and moreso, they have the indecency to look down on "worldlings."

  • delilah

    Apparently they can have as many as they like, so long as they keep everyone in the dark, and LIE about it when they are exposed. Of course, it also helps, to encourage the "mistresses" to DA themselves, to save them from the humility of DFing....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    So it was the WTS who forced her to have an affair and loose all her family? I can see how emotional distress can cause problems but the root of the problem was cause by something they chose to do. Don't want to loose your family, don't have affair with married men. I think that's pretty clear in itself.

    R6Laser - What of the millions who wasted entire lives believing the lies and being manipulated into getting no education, not having children, working in dead-end jobs, ect. All to promote the interest of a book publishing house pretending to be a religion. Is the hardship, pain, and emotional turmoil that we feel our faults too.? I never had an affair outside my marriage. Yet I have felt the pain of loosing everything I held dear when discovering the lies of the WTS. You need to develop some empathy, my friend. These are real problems brought on by real disgusting people at the top of a false religion. Don't just kick peoples feelings and anger and hurt aside because of your general lack of humanity> Jeff

  • steve2

    The Witnesses make extremely lofty claims about their unique and unequalled role in the Divine scheme of things. Therefore, much more is expected of them than would usually be the case. That's the basis upon which I judge their actions.

    In New Zealand, there was a trend of married older male JWs having affairs with "sweet little female things", deliberately getting caught, getting disfellowshiped and divorced (although not necessarily in that order), marrying the sweet little things, "doing time" outside the organisation, repenting and sometimes within 2 to 3 years comnig back into the organisation with new young wife and perhaps new child as well and even gaining back their former positions. The calculated aspect of the prolonged pattern of behaviour is sickening - and the organisation's "endorsement" is doubly sickening. Hypocrisy writ large.

    Yep, it happens in the world all the time. But I expect more from a religion that makes such lofty claims and is itself so condemning and intolerant of what happens in other religions.

  • R6Laser
    What of the millions who wasted entire lives believing the lies and being manipulated into getting no education, not having children, working in dead-end jobs, ect. All to promote the interest of a book publishing house pretending to be a religion. Is the hardship, pain, and emotional turmoil that we feel our faults too.? I never had an affair outside my marriage. Yet I have felt the pain of loosing everything I held dear when discovering the lies of the WTS. You need to develop some empathy, my friend. These are real problems brought on by real disgusting people at the top of a false religion. Don't just kick peoples feelings and anger and hurt aside because of your general lack of humanity Jeff

    I'm not trying to kick peoples feeling. I agree with almost everyone that the WTS has lied and of their silly rules imposed on people. I just feel that everyone makes their own choice. Hey, I'm angry too because when I was in high school I didn't get to play sports since they were considered a bad influence. But when I saw the lies and these stupid rules I said this is not the path I want to take, I need to make changes I'm not just going to stand here while someone who has no clue tells me what to do. It's not like they were holding a gun to my head forcing me to work a dead end job, not having children, not going to college. Of course they would tell you do these things but the actual choice comes down to what the person wanted to do.

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