A world full of nothing but JWs? That would be my idea of hell.
A world full of people like your son? Now THATS paradise! Sign me up!
some of you may have read my jw ex-wife's e-mail to my son last night after i posted it.
this is my son's e-mail response to his mothers initial e-mail.
i think i'll just let this speak for itself.
A world full of nothing but JWs? That would be my idea of hell.
A world full of people like your son? Now THATS paradise! Sign me up!
i have a convaluted relationship w/my jw for-lack-of-a-better-word-bf.
we have a bizarre relationship.
i am not his gf but must act accordingly.
You have to be asking yourself "Who really IS this guy? Which of his many personalities would I end up being married to? And WHO are these self righteous, womanizing, quasi JW quasi worldly people who are moving in WITH him?"
All this guy is is a sperm donor. You should NOT be marrying him under any circumstances. That would be meaningless except that you could now file your taxes jointly. You know how the Bible talks about that three part cord being a marriage? The wife, the husband and God? Well yours would be the wife, the husband, the organization, the elders, the elders wives, his parents, the congregation busy bodies, and ...trust me on this...God doesnt want anything to do with THAT union because it will NOT be based on any kind of love and devotion and selflessness.
If you like holidays, do Christmas, birthdays, 4th of July...you know THOSE holidays...you will no longer be able to do ANY of them again if you are living with this man. Nor will your innocent child. He will be dragging this baby to ADULT meetings several hours a week and indoctrinating him to hate all things nonJW...and that would include you Mom.
Wipe the windshield clean girlfriend. SEE where you are going. Put your life in gear and get the hell away from this guy and his cult, but before you go, make sure his ass is on the hook for child support.
i'm curious, because in my 40's i felt like a million dollars.
i am starting to feel it,....i just don't have the stamina of working in the yard all day, coming in making dinner and getting the laundry done at the same time, or working full time.. i see the years in my face when i don't get enough sleep, and no amount of makeup makes a difference.
my eyes seem to always look tired.
Someone told me in 1984 when I was turning 30 that I was "well preserved for my age". !!!!!!!!!!!! I look back on that and would kill to be that age again. 40 wasnt too bad because I had just given birth to my last child but immediately began needing bifocals to replace my already waning eye sight. Then I turned 50 and thought, gosh..still looking pretty good here. But for some reason when I turned 55 the shit hit the fan. All the baggage started going south rapidly. Wrinkles where I hadnt had any. Cankles and varicose veins all of a sudden and grey???? shit....totally. Turning 56 this August and it doesnt bode well. LOL I did lose 40 pounds though...gained 6 of that back...but feelin better with that weight off the joints.
The good news is, I have my health and am not on any meds and my yearly checkups come up fine. AGING SUCKS
this is the famous witness saying in defense of the way they don't give gifts on holidays.
of course, even though we all said it, no one in my family did this.
none of my friends' families did this.
What a gift says, what it is supposed to say, is "I was thinking about you...I care about you...I wanted to do something NICE for you because to do so not only pleases you but makes me happy too!"
But the JWs live a life of hatred for life, hatred for each other, jealousy of people who are not in bondage like they are and a world of braggadoccio that has no basis in truth. They are truly out, standing in their own fields.
well, some of you may know i have been battling the ex since late last year for better access to the children.. after calling her bluff and actualy getting a lawyer, we had to go to mediation before it could progress to court.. appointment one was postphoned by her so she could get better prepared.
the session was a total failure with her wanting me to see them less and drive 8 hours over 2 days for visits.
(we are 2 hours apart).
Ok NOW is the time to make those Sundays majorly special! Big ass breakfasts and some activity, movies, miniature golf, bowling, hiking...whatever it takes. Make them HATE those indoor, late sleeping, boring Sunday mornings inside that stuffy pokerupyerass Kingdoom Halls. And always talk really really nice about mom. Dont give them ANYTHING to go home with to her that she could use in court. Kids are pretty bright. They'll get it.
thanks to steve hassan for the tip off....... .
this week we begin a four-part investigation into allegations made by a number of former high ranking members of the church of scientology.
Im watching it again...at 1AM eastern this April Fools Day which seems appropriate. :)
just got back from memorial.
only went so that i could say to my parents that i had gone and to remind myself why i left.. oh my word!!!
it was sooooo painful.. got there a bit late - it was a couple of minutes into the talk.
Im going to celebrate my FREEDOM by taking my son to the ocean and watching the full moon rise...unemcumbered, feeling the breeze on my face instead of the garlic breath of some fake annointed person sitting next to me in a 30 year old suit.
reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is the belief that the soul, after death of the body, comes back to earth in another body.
according to one belief, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but the soul remains constant throughout the successive lives.[1].
belief in reincarnation has ancient roots.
I really do think that I do. I have such a draw...I mean major draw...to the British Isles...to Ireland and medieval England. My heritage is only part Irish. I really think I did live back then. The strange thing is that my SON ALSO thinks he lived back then. Totally unknown to him that I had those thoughts as well.
"dad, what do people talk about on that jehovah's witness board?".
i replied:.
"we complain alot.
Well when you put it THAT way LOLOL! What must she think of you dad with nearly 8000 post to this incredibly negative boring place? LOL
i just got an e-mail from my 80 year old mother asking my wife and i to join her for the memorial this year.
i really don't want to go, but i am also trying to maintain some degree of a relationship with her.
she is breaking the "rules" by not shunning me, but i don't know how she will react if i reject her invitation.
Id say go...and dont participate like at ALL. When JWs go to churches for wedding they are told they cannot participate in the proceedings so just sit there. Dont hold a bible. Dont sing songs...just be there. Thats all you agree to.