i apologize......... i just now saw your post...................i am not too swift nowadays.......... thank you for your response i think it would be helpful to get money saving ideas ....it may even be a good topic here on the board...................you can write a book....or website.................one never knows............ .
I JUST NOW saw your post...................I am not too swift nowadays.........
Thank you for your response I think it would be helpful to get money saving ideas ....it may EVEN be a good topic here on the board...................you can write a book....or website.................one never knows...........
i am rather knew here and not very "talkative"...... i do have some questions that i hope to get some answers for....... #1. do doctors perscribe 3 medications at on time if they suspect that you are bipolar or do they begin with one and add on????.
#2. does depakote cause weight gain ( or has it for those who have taken it )?.
#3. what type of therapy ( therapist) is recommened for ptsd???.
well i tried to do this yest and i lost all of it, :( lot of typing lost, but oh well, i would welcome feedback from anyone who has been through similar things to me, i got the truth 13 yrs ago, and i never felt like i was wanted not really, i was with a man and had 3 kids with him when i came into contact with the witnesses, but he was a pedophile so i found out and had been doing things to our kids since they were born, i ditched him, he walked from 2 high court trials, and no one in my cong cared abt me, they didnt want to know.
said it was in my head, anyway, i struggled for years i hated going to conventions and being ignored by my own cong, it was just me and my daughter on our own all the time trying to serve jehovah, i didnt feel happy but i just wanted to please my god and i just tried my best, i always felt left out and i was never asked to do demos at the hall, its like they were just putting up with me, i was always pulled in for stupid things like the messages i put on my answerphone cuz some stupid stuck up old sister didnt like it.
I am not feeling very "UP" for long responses( I have depression) but I want to thank YOU...you said much tghat I could relate to and I also saw and experience the lack of love......and was " marked" and never knew why... except that I was depressed and Vocal to the elders about the lack of love........
I was thinking abut your husband ( I always tried to reason things out in the org and althought I KNEW at one level I was right about them I waited YEARS until I had a mental breakdown) but here goes my reasoning where your husband is concerned: as I recall the husband is the head abd is responsible for the sspirituality of his wife and even those in the congregation that are " more spiritual" ( bunch of crap usually they have spieiruality in reverse)........are to "help" those " weaker"
soooo why is it that YOUR husband could leave you on the basis of YOUR being spriitualy weak rathe than HELP you ( mind you I am using THEIR own standards which are crap but well)....
another things is this: I knew of an eldersw ife that slapped her own daugther in law she had a feud with the girl's mother and would constantly SAY AWFUL THINGS to her NEWLY WED daughter in law about her own mother........the girl put up with lots.......then gets slapped and as far as I know the elders wife was never disciplined to the extent that yoru friend was....... it seems to me that it is all aboytr WHO you are.......and from what I saw VERY OFTEN the truely meek were abused and scapegoated.................................
i have not told my story.. i am batteling depressions......and an abusive home enviornment.....loss ofcareer.......the jw abuses were the worst they went to the very core.... i went through a mjor breakdown... lost faith in god...i fear people...... .
i have seen therapists...some of whom were not able to hel because i was still in the org minset..but after my own research,,,,,i end up teaching the therapists abt cults and hig control groups....... i am tired fo struggling.........if i see a pastoral counselor they will veer me towards religion....i used to believe in jesus before the org...i pray and see no answers......i have no friends......i have a siter and mother............both of whom help with finances as i loss my heath and career but they are pasrt of a long history if dysfunction....... .
it seems to me that with thinking so much about the org and remaining on the net at night as you were... you may have been halucinating........sorry if I seem to offend......
AS long as your born again experience is working well and feels real then That is all you need to know.......
MY tendency to analyze overly is very often not good.......
the bully, the bullied, and the bystander is the title of a new book by well-known writer barbara coloroso.i went to the book launch last evening and thoroughly enjoyed listening to barbara coloroso's presentation.
she's a very animated speaker, despite the heavy subject matter.
the book itself will be a valuable source of information for parents and educators alike.. what i thought was quite fascinating was the way she described bullying and the psychology behind it.
i have not told my story.. i am batteling depressions......and an abusive home enviornment.....loss ofcareer.......the jw abuses were the worst they went to the very core.... i went through a mjor breakdown... lost faith in god...i fear people...... .
i have seen therapists...some of whom were not able to hel because i was still in the org minset..but after my own research,,,,,i end up teaching the therapists abt cults and hig control groups....... i am tired fo struggling.........if i see a pastoral counselor they will veer me towards religion....i used to believe in jesus before the org...i pray and see no answers......i have no friends......i have a siter and mother............both of whom help with finances as i loss my heath and career but they are pasrt of a long history if dysfunction....... .
i need to know if anyone here feels that antidepressants help........ and what type of therapy helps with the jw issue and ptsd................. also does anyone know about bipolar2.....i read a lot through many years even while in ther org...............but i get so many viewpoints........some ppl tell me to pray....i have alll my life!
many say use herbs..................................but am getting very confused........i have had depressions jw abuse issues...the crashing of my belief system and loss of faith also further abuse from family........loss of career.....harasssment........... .
Thank you for your response......you sound like a strong person and funny too....
I went through the JW abuse ( I was targeted due to depression and my speaking out about unloving behaviors and I was also the victim of slander and jealousies.....)
I was having a breakdown and was undergoing .. the crashing if my belief system and the constant meaness from the elders making me feel and think I was left by GOD....... and concurrently I had a severe harassment on my job by a clique..........
I had wished to have good people that cared..... from what I read people on jobs who are not part of the GANG that attacks people will keep away and not help for fera THEY to will be targets
...I have lost faith in people..in God and life........
Thank you again for responding.........................you are lucky to have had people thay cared