JoinedTopics Started by CruithneLaLuna
What is the difference between Christianity and Paganism?
by CruithneLaLuna inrecently i had the opportunity to read the first three or four chapters of a very interesting book: the jesus mysteries : was the "original jesus" a pagan god?
i regret that circumstances prevented me from completing my reading.
i may choose to purchase a copy of this book for my personal library, and so that i can finish reading it.
On to the next stage of being shunned
by CruithneLaLuna inif anyone can be said to have "asked for it" by their behavior, i suppose it would be me.
not only did i turn my back on the organization and walk away, but i got involved with "false religion," and wrose yet with neo-paganism and the occult.
(oooh, creepy!
Hello again
by CruithneLaLuna ini've been "away" for two or three weeks.
life has been busy and interesting.
i realized that i hadn't posted here in a while, so "i'm back," responding to a couple of people's topics.
News from the "confrontation of religions" front ...
by CruithneLaLuna inthe following is a repost from an internet discussion group that i belong to.
subject: davis pagan club meets psychotic hateful "christians".
today i sat outside the student union with travis, tabling (the .
Enjoying a beer
by CruithneLaLuna inhi friends,.
i am enjoying a beer, which is nothing remarkable, except that i really like the taste of beer, and haven't had one in a year or so.
it's only a bud light, which some of you beer connoisseurs may look down your noses at (and i appreciate the more expensive and exotic brands, too), but hey, it's a beer, and i haven't had one in a long time!.
To my ex-JW former friend
by CruithneLaLuna inthe person to whom this is directed, to my knowledge, does not frequent this forum, and very few of you, if any, will have an inkling who it is, much less anything about the specifics of the situation to which i refer.
i feel i have to say something, for personal "therapeutic" reasons, yet actually attempting to communicate with the other party can only arouse discomfort at best, acrimony at worst.
therefore, in the words of the old king crimson song,.
Identifying with a religious group - what does it mean to you?
by CruithneLaLuna indirected to those who since leaving the dubs have attached themselves (strongly or loosely) to another religious or spiritual group: how would you describe the group, your relationship to it, and why it appeals to you?
if you want to mention the group's name, that's okay, but one thing i have noticed is that there is a vast difference in implications and ramifications between saying "i am one of jehovah's witnesses" and saying "i am a _____" - almost anything else.
exactly what identifying with the group means is at least as diverse as the groups themselves, or perhaps as diverse as the individuals who so identify.. i am personally acquainted with ex-jws who "are" roman catholic, protestant, what i call in a rather generic sense "orthodox christian," unitarian-universalist, buddhist, hindu, and a perhaps surprising (seemingly disproportionate?
What do you think is the best way to deal with karma?
by CruithneLaLuna inoh, i am confused.
someone has given me a little taste of my own medicine, and i don't like it.. here we are, very close to eleven years later to the day.
does anyone know of some astrological or other synchronistic significance of a period of eleven years?.
I turn my back on it all
by CruithneLaLuna infriends,.
in perusing the postings here in the "friends" section, i notice how many of us are still hashing over and rehashing the evils of the organization we were a part of, and how it hurt us, etc.
i got kinda down reading it.
I am going to try hanging out with you people
by CruithneLaLuna inhello, new member here.. i registered a couple of years ago, but my initial experiences here were not of the warm/fuzzy variety, which must have been what i needed at the time; so, i left.
recenty, a friend gently suggested that i might want to give interacting here a second try.. so's i don't have to type it twice, i offer here a hyperlink to my member profile.. although one might reasonably be named "cruithne" - especially if one is irish or scottish - it is not my real name.
well, of course it is my real name, in that i choose to be known by it.