I have seen several posts like the following, and never thought I would have to write one myself, but here we go: my dear Mom is forcing me to make a move... one that I have been really avoiding as much as possible. She wrote me an email today, and here I am giving you an idea of its contents. Perhaps you all have different advices for me, and I will see what fits my sitation better.
She starts with some guilt-trip a la WT style, telling me that I have changed a lot in the past 10 years, since I moved from home (South America) to study in the US. Then she has a deal for me: 'I have been praying, and now I am ready to ask you to do this, so that Jehovah through his Holy Spirit can touch your heart, helping you to solve any doubts, because otherwise I will have to arrive to the inevitable conclusion that you have left Him, which means you are also leaving me'.
'Please call Bethel in Brooklyn, and talk to brother Brown in this number (xxxxxx). Make an appointment with him, and tell him all your doubts about the organization and about Jehovah. After we do this, we can really know what you think. I have made a vow to Jehovah so that He can help you, and I pray that he gives me strength to accept your ultimate decision. I want to be on earth when His will is done, and to help sanctify His name, and I hope He can help me be there with my two sons. Love'.
So, since I am new here and nobody really knows my situation, I clarify that I don't have any doubts now. I admited to myself that I have been an atheist for at least a couple of years, and I have no intention of going back to the borg. Some circumstances have made my fade easy, and it has been almost a year and half since I attended meetings. As many of you know by experience, I am against the wall, not so much for myself: I am dettached from the congregation in all aspects of my everyday life -except when I go back to visit my family, it becomes a problem.... but in the day-to-day routine, I don't need the congregation. It is only because I am the only person my mom really has in many aspects. She gets all the emotional and even financial support from me, and she has said that she would rather die, if I am not going to stay firm in my commintment to the borg when I was 12......
I guess I could fake it from here. Tell her that I believe all that BS, that I attend meetings, because in a way she is not able to confirm. But at some point, it feels like it is unavoidable the moment when she will shun me for not staying in. My big concern, again, is her because I am her only hope.