Thanks for the comments Sparrow and Pale!
I see your points. Yup - well said.
well, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
Thanks for the comments Sparrow and Pale!
I see your points. Yup - well said. this is a talk this year about how to stay loyal to the cult.
it talks about not blaming yourself when your child is dfed.
but wait, when i was in the cult the elders told the parents of dfed children that it was their fault.
Great thread. Great comments smiddy and wakeme!
i need a bit of advice.
i've been pimo for a long time and fading more and more.
i occasionally attend for family but never give any answers or actively participate in any way.
Great advice above.
May I ask how old you are? Are you still under your parents roof?
I would also add that you should be happy and appear genuinely open. Don't look like you are being closed.
But, simply say things like "Thanks for the chat. Its been nice. So how are YOU going brother__? Are you keeping well? How are the visits going? your family? etc..."
By flipping the dynamic of the conversation from that of you being the "child-like" one to being one who is showing interest in him, you will mess with the power play.
Be happy and then take your leave.
Don't commit to anything that leaves you uncomfortable.
And remember that you have us all here! PM or comment anytime! Many of us have been in that exact situation.
well, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
Hi all,
Well, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and I are not DF or DA.
We just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread)
We never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway)
So our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been. Especially if we run into ones from the congregation. If they are doing cart-work, I even offer to bring them coffees whenever I see them!
But in the last few weeks, the vitriolic hate has been palpable!
We ran into a couple at the supermarket. Ones we used to spend quite some time with. He pretended to ignore us. I phoned his cell phone, and he didn't know it was me (obviously deleted my number) and on hearing me say "hi" he lets out a loud "arghh!" and hangs up!
Another family we were very close to lost a loved one in death. We took flowers around, and they didn't even acknowledge them. She has ignored us. No text response - no thanks or anything. (even my wife who has never been contacted by anyone to see how she fits in with all my "apostasy" by the way. No one has checked on her)
Yet another "brother" I was very close to (we helped them through really intense times in their lives - especially when he was inactive) happened to be near our home working, so I texted him "Hi mate - pop in for a coffee" He texted back " who is this?" When I told him, he called back, and used F^(K bombs! Yup, he actually said "why would I want a coffee with you after the F^(K you pulled?. You should get back to meetings!"
I was mild and simply said "ok no need for language mate. I'm not sure why a christian needs to use such language. I am just making a sincere offer. Our door remains open to you and your family. We are the same people we have always been. Theres no need for aggression or paranoia. But you have a nice day" He responded with "Mate, I know what you're trying to do by acting all nice to everyone"
So, its clear to me that the Elders have no doubt ensured that malicious slander has spread like wildfire in the area...
Our normal kindness is being twisted as some kind of ploy...
Well, I suppose I have always had the scripture in mind that says "people may be won without a word by virtue of your fine conduct etc"
But this is proof to me that the hive-mind, cult-mindset is real. JWs can not allow for normal human kindness. I don't blame them as individuals. It isn't their fault.
They simply don't see it either, that this means that ANY relationship they have - no matter how strong it may be - is so fragile if someone stops being a JW. But one day, if any of them wake up - our door remains open to them.
And I have to say, that the genuine, sincere friends we know in person locally who have also awoken (such as @wake me and @doubtfull1799) who know about this, have been a great support!
i'm listening to a podcast where a former elder describes how another elder conducted the watchtower study about hyperbole.
the elder called it hyper-bowl.
soon the whole congregation called it hyper-bowl.
Or how about the English speaking JWs who say:
'Jeeehovarrr' instead of Jehovah
one of my all-time favourite illustrations:.
bible teach, chap.
16 p. 154 pars.
And Revelation says "Get out from amongst her-quit touching the unclean thing"
That applies to the "unclean things" that contaminate the "Truth"
one of my all-time favourite illustrations:.
bible teach, chap.
16 p. 154 pars.
Yes indeed.
If just 1% of deadly poison in a glass of water makes it dangerous, no amount of reasoning about the 99% of water will make it safe!
so, i have a guy that is emailing me after listening to my podcast series "this jw life" about my life story before, during, and after being a jw.
this guy happens to be an elder and pioneer serving where the need is greater.
i love this guy.
Well, it all comes down to one thing: Either "The Truth" is True, or it is not.
Also, if he REALLY values Truth and Honesty, he wouldn't be able to stay in the Organization!
has anyone read dawkins new book the god delusion yet?
he discusses the creation book on pages 119-121. he says that he discusses this particular tract only because it has had such a wide circulation - no fewer than 6 of which have been sent to him personally.
well i think he has at least 7 copies by now because i personally know one witness who sent him one following his recent the roof of all evil?
Bravo Slim!
has anyone read dawkins new book the god delusion yet?
he discusses the creation book on pages 119-121. he says that he discusses this particular tract only because it has had such a wide circulation - no fewer than 6 of which have been sent to him personally.
well i think he has at least 7 copies by now because i personally know one witness who sent him one following his recent the roof of all evil?
Bumped thread.
For no other reason that to say that we had the privilege of seeing Dawkins live this week.
It struck me yet again, just how ignorant and infantile we were as witnesses. We thought we were so "educated", but the ignorance we all had was more a form of arrogance!
Even the youths in the audience posed such thoughtful questions to Mr Dawkins, that demonstrated their education, yet also their humility. (I was struck with just how stupid the average JW would have come across in such a crowd.)