I just want to know, how can someone be qualified for this type of work without seeking higher education?
Osmosis? As if the skills automatically embed themselves within people without professional training. And I like how they are sure to mention further down in the letter:
Please note that we are not encouraging individuals to pursue higher education or university
degrees to obtain skills related to art and graphic design. (w13 10/15 pp. 15-16 pars. 13-14)
Lovely mixed message. They need specialized degreed skills at Bethel (preferable volunteer), 'but YOU shouldn't go and pursue training for them. How dare you aspire to wanting to be a graphic designer! We'll never have a need like this again... But, if you already possess these specialized skills and obvious experience (Art Director), come on down!'
I'm sure they'll be looking for a BA + on a resume for that laundry list.