They go to the police ONLY if that particular state demands that they do.........and the society's Legal Dept. tells them to.
Yes I remember that now from when I first started reserching this.
Sorry I forgot that the rules are different depending on where you live.
In the U.K. I believe the policy was that a person had "the absolute right" to go to the police, now I am being told that they have the "absolute responsability" to do so.
The trouble is, even if this is true, (which I am still unsure about) I do know that not all elders are aware of it.
I have found over and over again that it all depends who you ask as to what answer you get!
Even though I no longer take my children to meetings(or go myself!) I still worry about the many children who are still at risk. That is why I keep an eye on the developments.
I am also wondering if the elder who told me this change had taken place was just trying to get me back to meetings.