Putting decorations on a tree. we all know how evil, evil, evil that is. Death to all heinous tree-putter-upper-paganists. Mr. Shakita
JoinedPosts by Shakita
Silly Things You Can Do For Which Jehovah Will Kill You...
by gaiagirl ini was thinking about all the various people who the bible says have been killed by jehovah or his angels for various acts of disobedience.
here are a few of the ones i thought of....feel free to add your own eating a piece of fruit (slow death, 930 years) picking up some sticks on the sabbath preventing the ark of the covenant from falling when the guy carrying it stumbles living in a city where your family has lived for generations, in a region where jehovah has "given" the land to his "chosen" people dancing for your victorious warrior father, not knowing he has vowed to offer the first one out of the house as a burnt offering.
disagreeing with moses
I think I did a really bad thing.
by emilyblue ini do not attend the same hall as my boyfriend because he is currently reproved for being involved with me.
i'm not a witness.
he confessed to his elders that he had sex with someone outside of marriage after his second divorce was already final.
Dear Emily,
If you stay with this person you will be giving over your personal life to the Witnesses. It is no ones business what you do behind closed doors. If you stay involved with this person, they will make it their business to intrude into your personal life. The only way that it will work for your boyfriend is for you to become a Witness. If you do that you will be giving over your life to this cult. I know that you are in a lot of pain over what has transpired, but this will pale in comparison to the pain that you will experience if you stay with your boyfriend or even get married to him. If he stays a Witness while you remain a non-Witness, you will be viewed as asecond class citizen. It will be a nightmare for you. I hope that things will work out for you Emily.
Mr. Shakita
Today's Text is Scriptural Blasphemy
by gumby inhey gang, this morning as i was making some coffee i saw the "text book" lying there and decided i'd read todays text as i never do, just to see what it had to say.. it was taken from john 15:12 which says..... " this is my commandment, that you love one another just as i have loved you".. anyways, it goes on to say what jesus told his diciples who asked him which was the greatest of all the commandments and jesus answered them that "you must love god with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself".
then it went on to ask if this law was also important to christians today and the comment was.... ( and heres the kicker) "absolutely, the law of christ involves a heartfelt love of god and includes a new command.....christians are to have a self sacrificing love for one another".. so rather than say christians are to love your fellowman, they twist the scripture and say christians are to love other christians.......and we all know by that statement they mean other jehovah's witnesses since they hold no regard for christians of this world.
yes, once again they play mind tricks on the publishers and tell them to love each other...rather than your fellowman and people of this world in general as was the case in the illustration jesus himself gave with the good samaritan.. it's no wonder jehovah's witnesses are despised by many in this world with their self rightous attitudes and beliefs regarding their fellowman that is induced in them by a few old men from brooklyn new york.. i hope your reading this wtbts spies, i really do.
I find it very funny to see ones who are weak minded try to explain issues they don't truly understand. First of all, everyone seems to be thinking figuratively on these subjects. Instead of trying to understand both sides, like those who truly want to understand the bible, i.e. Jehovahs Witnesses, you simply go with crowd and throw truth to the wind. Like the statement about throwing out love for your fellowman. If a volcano was going to blow-up, you and a few people found out about it and decided to tell everyone to get out, that in its self would showing love for your fellowman because you are trying to show them that if they don't get out they WILL die.
Witnesses do as Jesus commanded the first christians, Go forth and make deciples. If anyone truly studies the bible they will learn of the impending doom for Satan his demons and this system of things. If the witnesses didnt go forth and teach ones to look toward the bible for support, they wouldnt be showing that love.
So you should think next time a JW comes to your house, they set aside their time out of their day to come and help you to succeed in calling satan a liar for his remark to the true god, that he could turn all of mankind against him. Why dont you try and go Door to Door and inform people of bible truths and have litterally laugh, spit, yell and ridicule you for trying to help them escape with their lives.
If you would have taken time to read the comment from Gumby, you may have gotten the point. You missed the point because you are looking at things through WT eyes. In the parable of
the Good Samaritan, Jesus demonstrates what it means to truly be a neighbor to ones fellowman. A Jew is left for dead on the side of a road after being set upon by robbers. Fellow Jews, a priest and a Levite. pass him by. Then a Samaritan sees the Jewish victim on the side of the road and he takes care of his wounds and transports him to a local inn. He sees to it that this man's needs are taken care of and he even leaves some money to cover the expenses.
Jesus answers the question about who proved himself to be this man's neighbor. This Samaritan man proved himself to be a good neighbor by showing love, not for a fellow Jew, but for a fellow man. It is interesting to note what Jesus did not say. He did not say that being of a certain religion was necessary for ones survival. There was nothing at all about what one needed to do to be saved. It was a simple parable that illustrated our responsibility as fellow human beings to show love for one another regardless of ones ethnicity, nationality, religion, etc. If people all over the world would stop insisting that their religion was the right one and they would simply love their fellowman from their hearts, there would be a real change on this earth. It is religious fundamentalism that causes persons to hate one another over artificial differences.
You insist that the Witnesses preach the good news because they love their fellowman and they don't want them to die at Armageddon by God's hand. I say that the war of Armageddon as outlined in the Bible is an invention of man. This belief causes men to serve God out of fear. As long as they toe the line, they just might survive when God comes to perform the greatest act of mass murder in history. How is such a teaching consistent with a God of love? This God, that is supposed to possess superior knowledge and wisdom chooses to solve the problems of this earth by destroying everyone on it, except for JW's. So, when God is faced with difficult problems, the only way that he knows how to solve those problems is through mass murder. Might does not always make right. Those persons that survive Armageddon would then serve God out of fear that they may suffer the same fate if they step out of line. Any love for God would be suspect. That love would be a love given under coercion, not by that ones free will.
You seem to also think that everyone, save JW's, have been turned away from God by Satan. Again, you are looking at things through WT eyes. There are millions upon millions of persons that demonstrate the love of God through their actions. If you would just open your eyes you would see that their are many non-JW's that are good people. You have been taught that everyone outside of the JW's are in Satan's grasp. They all have the propensity for evil. This teaching is just a way for the WT to keep their members inside the fold. I have family members that are still JW's. If that's what they want to do, I have no problem with that. Yet, I feel sorry for them because the WT has kept the real truth from them. They go through their whole loves believing the WT paradigm. They sacrifice their lives, not for God, but for WT teachings and dogma. That is sad. But I don't hate them, I love them. The teaching that former JW's become evil hateful apostates is another lie put forth by the WT.
You probably won't listen to what I have had to say. But you owe it to yourself and your family to at least examine what I have had to say. God loves all mankind. He just doesn't love JW's and hate all others. Jesus's message was intended for all men and women, not for those persons of a particular religion, nationality, ethnicity or sect. There will never be an intervention from God where he destroys just about every last one of us. Only we humans can change what happens on this planet. The sky God won't come to magically fix our problems. Each one of us needs to work at changing ourselves. It is only when we choose to change from within and try to effect changes from without that changes will come. If we finally realize that we have the power to change this earth through our positive actions is when a change will come about.
Mr. Shakita
My wife "Rowan" needs of your support too.
by Gerard inmy wife 'rowan' was born and raised a jw, her father being an elder -a very gentle loving person, but an elder.. some years ago, she was betrayed by a close friend, subjected to a jc and was disfellowshiped & shunned.
the proceeding was completely void of mercy and love, it was much like a violation, a rape.
finding herself df'd was of course terrifying, but the most disapointing outcome was that her father sided with the elders.. eventually she discovered through select books, articles and this board about the fear-driven mind control ways of her religion.
Just checking in Gerard and Rowan. Never forget that you are worthy of love, respect and dignity. Each day will find you getting stronger and stronger. You deserve unconditional love. You will get better. The prayers and unconditional love are being sent so that you will find the sweet scent of healing. I send my love and support Rowan and Gerard. Love, Mr. Shakita
My wife "Rowan" needs of your support too.
by Gerard inmy wife 'rowan' was born and raised a jw, her father being an elder -a very gentle loving person, but an elder.. some years ago, she was betrayed by a close friend, subjected to a jc and was disfellowshiped & shunned.
the proceeding was completely void of mercy and love, it was much like a violation, a rape.
finding herself df'd was of course terrifying, but the most disapointing outcome was that her father sided with the elders.. eventually she discovered through select books, articles and this board about the fear-driven mind control ways of her religion.
Dear Rowan, We were all part of a very controlling, judgmental, harsh and unloving religion. The WT taught your father how to behave and how to treat any of his children that didn't tow the line. You have suffered because you did not receive the unconditional love that you deserved to receive. It is understandable that you are feeling these intense emotions and that you are going through a depression. You are a good person Rowan. Every reaasonable person can see that. Perhaps you don't believe it because of the abusive way that this religion treats its members. Don't believe it. Believe that you are a vibrant, intelligent, worthwhile woman that deserves to be respected and loved. I send my love and support. You will get through this Rowan. Love, Mr. Shakita
"The Secret" - Movie
by Bstndance inoy vey!
so my friend made me watch the "movie" the secret last night.
it's basically a movie about the concept of visualizing and how we can achieve anything we want if we just picture it and not think about the negative.
I too don't have a problem with the power of positive thinking. There is something to be said about tossing out negative thoughts and being an optimist. However, I have a serious problem with the law of attraction. It basically states that if we desire something, we will eventually get what we desire. On the other hand, if we dwell on something negative, something that we don't want, we will receive that rather than the positive thing. How about the one million or so persons that doe each year due to malaria. I suppose those persons "attracted" that parasite and they died. If they just thought good thoughts those malarial mosquitos would have left them alone and gone off to bite all the negative ones. Mr. Shakita
by Terry inwhat the hell is the point......?.
1.undeserved kindness.
ask yourself why you don't deserve kindness.
Hi Terry, Awesome points! How warped is the notion that humans don't deserve kindness. Why, God reluctantly giv es us kindness even though us losers don't deserve a shred of it. How can any human be drawn to love a God like that? What if parents decided to treat their children in a similar way? We can be sure that we would be raising future sociopaths, psychopaths and criminals. Children need to be shown unconditional love and kindness to aid in their development and social skills and their self worth. I believe like you Terry that all those notions that you raised in your post were notions made up by men to keep control over others. I don't believe that God is anything like the God that is portrayed in the scriptures. Thanks for the great points. Mr. Shakita
Went to doc, doc said JW religion oppressive
by purplesofa inyesterday i went to the doctor....tired, weight gain, checkup, etc etc.
this is a new doc so i had to fill out all the forms, family history, where i was born, jobs i have had, underwear size etc etc.
as i was filling out the form, family history, father.....illnesses, deceased.
So tell me Ms purps, tell me why you are here today. Blah, blah blah, had a bad year........daughter two trips to ICU for overdoses, car wreck, had to put my dog to sleep, relationship ended with a man that I was wild about......plus he was my best friend. Brother died, Mom going blind, financial crap, the list seems endless. Ms purps you are a very strong woman to come through all this as you have. We talked some more and she asked if I went to church. I said well no..........have not been in two years. Should I tell her??? OK........on top of everything else I have had a bit of a spiritual crisis, I was raised Catholic and switched to JW. I'm trying to get out of a cult. The JW's helped me alot but through this part, what I needed was not there. She said, When I go to church I need to hear something encouraging, something that will make me feel good, not how bad I am, I already know that. Hi Purps, I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles. Any person having to endure all the family problems that you have endured would do well to keep their sanity. On top of all that you have experienced a major spiritual crisis and it feels like the world is caving in. I can't tell you how many times I have beat myself over the decision that I made when I was only nineteen. I began to study with a Witness about the same age as me and I was baptized a few years later. If I could turn back time and reverse my decision, I'm certain that things wouldn't have been so hard on my family. Of course, I'm glad that I found out the truth about the truth and now I can live the life that I want. It's not just that we have had to endure difficult family situations, it is also the fact that we were told repeatedly by the WT that we are good for nothing slaves that also have the tendency to sin. We always received a very negative message about the kind of persons that we are. So, not only did we have to deal with crushing family situations, financial crises, feeling like outcasts among society in general, but we also had to deal with the very negative view of ourselves from the WT. It took me a long tome to accept this Purps, but I finally accepted the fact that I am a good person. I make mistakes like any other person, but I am not a vile sinner that has to grovel at God's feet to find forgiveness. How can anyone be drawn to a God that views us in such a negative way? I looked at the way I feel about my own children. I love them just because they exist and are my children. If I always told them that I thought that they were vile sinners that needed to grovel at my feet to find my approval, how could they ever feel good about themselves? Yet, if the message that I gave my children is that they are inherently good and not inherently evil, then I feel that that encouragement would help them to be the best persons that they could be. What we were missing Purps was the kind of unconditional love that we deserved to have. Give yourself some credit Purps. You are obviously a very considerate and caring person. You have endured many trials that would level an ordinary person. My message to you Purps is that you are a good person that has had to endure many hardships. My only advice to you is to take things a day at a time. I hope that things start to improve in your life. You have the love and support of the Shakita family. Mr. Shakita
by RichieRich inall to often, my mind drifts to my mixed feelings for my mother.
the deep love that burned in my heart for the woman who had given me life.. the suicidal remorse i felt for bringing such guilt and reproach on her good name.. the blinding anger i felt for her never questioning her beliefs, but always questioning her son.. and so i'm left with a vacuous emotional chamber for a large element that is missing from my soul.. and when you've lost your most valuable possesion, everything else is gravy on an empty plate - pointless.. and so i hurt too, and i love my mom, but does she love me?
the unanswered question haunts my mind.. we recieve, we give, and sometimes, we just plain screw up.
Hey Richie,
The Witnesses have it all wrong. If we are to love God like he loves us then we must love one another unconditionally. The witnesses are taught that their love towards others is conditional, dependent on whether or not their loved ones toe the line of WT doctrine and theology.
You have chosen to love your mother, despite her anger at your rejection of WT theology. I know that, despite her anger towards your decision to leave the WT, your mother loves you deeply. Just remember that her words and actions are being influenced by the hold that the WT has on her mind. Her mind is experiencing warfare between her love for you and the battle in her mind of what the WT has taught her. She has been taught to reject you if you reject the WT. Give her time Richie. She may soften as the years go by.
Mr. Shakita -
I Threw Away My Entire Watchtower Library Today
by minimus ineverything from the 1st wt.
volumes in the 1800's to 2002.
Hi Minimus,
I too threw out my entire collection of Watchtowers, Awakes, bound volumes, yearbooks, cassettes, videos, everything. I came to the point when I had to make a complete break from the WT mastery over my life. It felt kind of cathartic. I am far past the grieving stage and I now had the opportunity to cut my losses and move on. To hang onto my WT library reminded me daily of the huge mistake that I made when I was so young. Throwing it all away was my way of saying **** *** Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. You can take this library of lies and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
Mr. Shakita