"Never felt so alive till after I left." Ditto, here. From one newbie to another, Welcome.
Mrs. Shakita
hello all.. i've visited here a time or two but this is the first time i've posted.
been out for five years now.
left because i realized i was expected to be perfect and that just wasn't gonna happen.
or is it something unattainable or not even real?
Thank you concerned mama and Sentinel for your kind words. It gets very quiet when you decide to start thinking for yourself. Since questioning things, not with other jws, but within my own conscience, jw friends fade from your life. I am now trying to re-adjust to life. Since I still have family members in the org., I live a fine line sometimes.
Dia, I knew many JW mothers who loved their children no less than I. I secretly think that some probably felt as I did on the blood issue. Probably going along with the company line hoping never to come to that point to have to keep faithful to the org. and sacrifice their children in the name of Almighty Jehovah God.
I know that I am not the only mother on this board who lived in the JW world and looks back at that time and wonder "what was I thinking?" If it could only be put into words. But you cannot turn back time, as much as you would like to. You have to deal with the here and now. What part I will play in helping others to see the truth about the JW organization, has yet to be seen. Being so newly "out", not da'd or df'd, just fading quietly(I hope), maybe I can sow some seeds of my own. But after reading the many sad stories here and elsewhere, I know that it will not be easy.
I am sorry if I rambled on, but I want to thank you for responding to my post. I respect your thoughts and hope you can feel for those who have had different life experiences than you have. We all make mistakes in our lives. And, along the way we will hurt others by those mistakes. Let's learn by them, and try to help others along the way.
Take care.
Mrs. Shakita
trusting god is far more than merely believing he exists.. i just this evening watched a senate session on cspan on the subject of delaying deciding on preemptive strikes against iraq.
it was very interesting to see how lack of trust in god causes irrational fear that people will be willing to sacrafice all their wealth, their comforts, and even the lives of their children.
without the belief that god exists and that spiritual forces exist there is hopelessness.
trusting god is far more than merely believing he exists.. i just this evening watched a senate session on cspan on the subject of delaying deciding on preemptive strikes against iraq.
it was very interesting to see how lack of trust in god causes irrational fear that people will be willing to sacrafice all their wealth, their comforts, and even the lives of their children.
without the belief that god exists and that spiritual forces exist there is hopelessness.
hi all.............is it just me but are we seeing more and more people come on board of late, which is great as far as i'm concerned...........welcome to all you newbies.
j gull
Hi, Undercover:
I am also a newbie here. I am also dealing with the same emotions you are. Please don't be afraid to open your mind and take in the real "truth" about the WT and it's history of lies. It's tough when you realize that the WT has twisted the truth to fulfill its own agenda. Take your time, in my case it has taken many months of research at the many sites on the web which bring out the past and present dealings of the WT. If you haven't yet, go to Google and type in Jehovah's Witnesses. This will bring you to many sites which will tell you the truth of the WT Organization and the hurt that it has brought to many, many of its faithful followers. It took alot of courage for me to order "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" by Ray Franz from Amazon.Com. It was the best money I have every spent. If you want "truth", you will find it in the pages of those books. Please don't give up your quest for the real "truth". Please have the courage to question to WT and read publications other than what THEY tell you to read. It has been very hard for our family, but you cannot live a lie. You will be in my thoughts. Take care.
Mrs. Shakita
my dad is in very bad shape.
he has cns lymphoma.
he is sliding backwards rapidly.
i have a lot of friends in my life.
some are real close and some are casual friends.
in all, i still enjoy my connection with them and i enjoy the time i get to spend with them.
The JW organization has opened the way for me to question the existence of God. Not only has the JW organization opened the way for me to question the existence of God himself, but I question the Bible as being the "word of God". Look, I am no scholar. I speak from the heart. I always say "I'm from Missouri, Show Me!" Show me a God of Love, an almighty and powerful being who loves his children enough to stop their pain and suffering. The Bible is full of pain and suffering. All in the name of God. But wait, "in just a little time", all the pain and suffering will end. But, first I will throw down to the earth some really bad angels to inflict more pain and suffering upon my beloved children. And this is to prove that I alone have the right to be your one and only father. What kind of father does this to his beloved children? In my own case, I'm still waiting for a reply to my prayers. All I have received from him in response, is stony silence.
Sorry I ranted. This subject gets me going sometimes. I thank you for letting me vent on your thread, it's good therapy. Have a nice day!
Mrs. Shakita
my mother in law went back into the maw after disassociating herself in 99. her elder husband had left her, and her kids and her grandkids wouldnt speak to her and it got to be too much.
i heard yesterday that she went back and he is moving back in.
and this just after she was here in june saying how she didnt believe in any of it, but tried to "force herself" and "convince herself" it was the "trooth" last spring so that her husband would come back, then came to her senses.
I'm sorry to hear of your mother going back. The Wt continues to divide and bring great pain to thousands of families. If your mother was in for decades she couldn't cope with the loss of family and friends. Since we were taught to have only friends in the "truth", when we try to leave we are often left with no one to confide in or have a close relationship with. I'm undergoing similar pain because I know that soon I will have to say goodbye to friends that I have known for over twenty years. I know that it won't ease the pain, but know that you have the understanding and sympathy of the Shakita's.
Mr. Shakita
well, i talk about my abuse so much i haven't found the need to post it.
i guess i will post it now so i can write it once and not have to keep writing it over and over again.
well, my eariliest memory is of being punished.
I continue to be stunned at the horrific childhoods that some of those in the borg have had. It was painful for me to read your account because for many years I was clueless that anything like this happened in the so-called "spiritual paradise". I know that if any of my brothers had molested any of my daughters I would have kicked his butt. ( Yet, all of my "worldy" brothers would never have thought of something so evil and perverted. ) Then after kicking his can to the curb I would have called the police. It is unconscionable to me how your father yelled at you after you were molested by your uncle. Your Father's continued abuse of you was sickening and disturbing. And to think that after he cheated on his wife the only thing he was concerned about was reacquiring his position in the congregation shows that power is the true desire of many in the borganization.
As a father, it pains me that you didn't have a normal, loving upbringing that all little girls deserve. You deserved to be told that you were dear, loved, and precious by your parents, but you were treated with contempt. Instead of the congregation rallying aroung you they cast you out as someone undeserving of love, kindness, and decency. Thanks for sharing your very painful story, I know it must have been hard to write it down. The Shakita's send our love and support. Please know that not all those in the borg agree with the WT's cruel, cultish policies. The only reason I continue to be silent is because I don't want to lose my daughter to this religion.
Mr. Shakita