JoinedTopics Started by Batman89
10 Reasons you should never have a religion
by Batman89 ina great article i stumbled across this morning
while consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as christianity, islam, or hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it.
in this article ill share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest.. since christianity is currently the worlds most popular religion, ill slant this article towards christianitys ubiquitous failings.
Officially parting ways : (
by Batman89 insome of you might remember my first post on here about my dilemma of whether or not to remain in a relationship with my jw girlfriend after learning ttatt
while we were taking a break, well it turned out to be not very much of a break because of our still strong feeling for each other (we eventually went from talking every few weeks to once a week and then to everyday again) and things started to get complicated.
well last night we officially decided that it would be best for the both of us to at least part ways for now and end things.
Mormon's BITE much like JWs! but waaay stricter and ridiculous(IMO)
by Batman89 ini. behavior control 1. regulation of individual's physical reality a. where, how and with whom the member lives and associates the church's official doctrine is that members can be friends with anyone.
contradictory teachings imply and state outright that one should not associate with non-members or people who have "lower standards".
" as lindsay held her new brother and looked at him, she had a good, warm feeling inside.
More dumb JW logic
by Batman89 inwitnesses always say when a person comes into the "truth"(deception) it was because jehovah saw they had the right "heart condition".
so they're basically saying that only 7 million people on earth which is way less than 1% of the population have good hearts and are good people.
and everyone else is just evil?
WT black and white thinking is laughable
by Batman89 inso im reading the oct awake article on how do you mesure success.
the article gives you two differnt scenarios for two differnt people and you can "test yourself" to see which type of success means more to you.
Sole CHANNEL of communication?
by Batman89 inhas the gb ever explained exactly how they supposedly communicate with god and get new light or other "inspiration" for their "spiritual dog food"?.
do they all sit in a room together and hold hands and join one conciousness??.
do they fall asleep and go to the dream world and talk to jehovah there like the movie inception or something??.
Most absurd thing I heard at the convention yesterday!
by Batman89 inbrother lett was giving the last talk of the day about what they supposedly accomplished in 100 years.
i was just waking up so im paraphrasing alittle(i was dosing off all day) anyways in his introduction he said.
"there is more evidence to prove gods kingdom on the earth is a reality than wind,electricity and gravity is a reality on the earth".
Idiotic WT reasoning for birthdays
by Batman89 inadditionally, birthday celebrations tend to give excessive importance to an individual, no doubt one reason why early christians shunned them.
(ecclesiastes 7:1) so you will find that jehovahs witnesses do not share in birthday festivities (the parties, singing, gift giving, and so forth).
school and jehovah's witnesses p.18.
Elder lying in court!
by Batman89 inpart 1. part 2.