First, it is good to realize that Rom. 13:4 makes it clear the governments are God's servants. It means, going against them, is going against God. regardless the correctness of the decisions of these servants. It is up to God to judge them, not up to the WT in this case. The bible never says anywhere that a believer MUST gather in a man-made house of worship, regardless the rules of the country. It is a WT rule, jeopardizing the lives of many of its members. If the law says that something is illegal, it is. And if one does not obey, there are consequences. Happens in all countries. The WT had time to appeal in court but eventually lost. Whether one agrees with the law or reasons behind it, is irrelevant. If I am speeding because I believe I have the right to move at a speed I like (freedom to move), I will still be penalized for it. It is a law. David is sometimes used to show that he continued the worship as usual. First, it was his personal choice. Second, he personally accepted the risks. So, if any member of the gb believes it is good to do what David did, then take a plane (paid by donations) and personally go door to door and accept the risks.
Now, why not just leave the country? Why use the local member to fight the government. Paul did not (Act. 13:51). Matt. 10:14 gives the same advice. Check Act. 14:6. Or Act. 7:29. Joseph and Maria fled to Egypt. Lastly Jo. 10:39,40.
My point: get out of the country if you are not welcome or when you cannot do what you want without breaking the law. Protect you members who donated all their time and money to you. Give them the freedom to believe and protect themselves. Unfortunately is seems the WT is more interested in their own interest.