In addition, some 750 construction workers who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses helped to keep the project on schedule
I guess those were the smart ones and got paid.
life and ministry meeting workbook | september 2020. living as christians.
can you contribute your time and energy?.
ramapo, new york.
In addition, some 750 construction workers who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses helped to keep the project on schedule
I guess those were the smart ones and got paid.
trump has his supporters.
I do not understand this idolatry of Trump. Regardless whether you agree with his views on how a country should be run, one must realize that many of his actions or words, resulted in more separation of people and for some even meant that violence is ok to achieve your goal, though he might claim he did not directly say that.
Why are supporters of Trump not honest to themselves and admit that Trump (at times) did not act as a president for all Americans. It does not mean you suddenly are not a supporter anymore. I support a sports team (football) If they performed badly, I will admit and acknowledge that. And hope next time they will perform better.
It sometimes looks like PIMI JW's. They also cannot believe their leaders have done wrong things. They accept all that their leaders do and say, will defend it to anyone who challenges them and will blame anyone who disagrees with them as "false opponents".
i recently had the sad opportunity to attend 2 jw funerals.
the first was a few months ago and the second today.
the first was my grandfather's and the second of an old friend back from my jw days.
I am also surprised to notice how fast the people in the congregation have forgotten their co-JW's who have died. They hardly ever speak about them, regardless if they were an elder, m.s. or just publisher or regardless number of years they served in the congregation. It is often like they have never existed.
Also, in some cases, I noticed that the stone on the grave is very simple compared to non-JW graves. I respect that costs might be a driver for this but I tend to believe that a "lack" of appreciation of the person is a stronger driver, with the argument: well, it is only temporary (hmmm.....) until resurrection.
the latest gb update ramps up the fear of the plandemic even more, and introduces a whiteboard animation that advocates staying at home, wearing masks and social distancing..
then there's another 'save the planet' type article that mentions debunked and unrealistic green new deal-esque talking points such as alternative energy, switching to a plant based diet and less manufacturing..
When a major disaster happens, like WW1, WW2, Spanish Flu, Polio etc, people directly impacted will think: this is the end. At the same time, those who are not directly impacted, will not draw that conclusion. In other, the sentiment about the end of the world is very subjective and personal.
With regard to the prophecies, Jesus that it will be sudden, like a thief who comes unannounced, when you least expect it, when people are still marrying and having children etc. Therefore, based on Jesus's words, major disasters are never to be considered as a sign that it is the beginning of the end.
But of course, scaring people pays off. They become easier to influence, to follow you etc.
my brother (who is a witness) has been married for 8 years.
he and his wife (also a witness) got married young, but he never really tried in the marriage, but she also lost his trust early on.
he says that it was his fault though because he pushed her away.. anyways, he met this new girl (not a witness) and told his wife that he wanted to separate.
In my view simple: you either follow WT rules and accept the consequences or you don't and accept the consequences. WT is not interested in your happiness. WT (and religious organisations) should not interfere with couples / marriages. I understand that he does not love his wife anymore and is in love with the other woman. He should convince himself of what he really wants. Do not turn this new girl into a JW as that is the wrong basis for a relation. If she is his new future, focus on building a foundation with that girl, separate from religion. If she develops a natural desire for religion, that is fine but it should never be a condition to start a relationship.
i stumbled on john 17:1,2 which reads in net version:.
17 when jesus had finished saying these things, he looked upward to heaven and said, “father, the time has come.
glorify your son, so that your son may glorify you— 2 just as you have given him authority over all humanity, so that he may give eternal life to everyone you have given him.. if jesus had a close relation with his father, would you not expect to read something like this:.
I stumbled on John 17:1,2 which reads in NET version:
17 When Jesus had finished saying these things, he looked upward to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, so that your Son may glorify you— 2 just as you have given him authority over all humanity, so that he may give eternal life to everyone you have given him.
If Jesus had a close relation with his father, would you not expect to read something like this:
17 When Jesus had finished saying these things, he looked upward to heaven and said, “Father, the time has come. Glorify me your Son, so that your Son I may glorify you— 2 just as you have given him me authority over all humanity, so that he I may give eternal life to everyone you have given him me.
Any views?
this week's midweek meeting has an item on this theme.
as usual there is a video to show:-.
Fortunately I hear of more and more JW's who go against this "shunning". May be not always in openness but at least they try to show their care for the disfellowshipped person.
But the policy is wrong and damaging. Very strange that governments are still reluctant to act against these harsh policies, often practices by cults. I cannot believe a judge would approve the policy if they would see these videos. All these parents are worse than unbelievers:
Any parent who, as a result of loyalty to men, does not (consider to) provide for a relative or family member (any form, can be money, emotional etc) who is in (serious) need, is not worth to be a parent. A parent does not have to agree with the lifestyle or views of the other family member but has a moral obligation to (consider to) provide support when the other member is in need of it.
i was recently present at a witness funeral (by zoom) and the brother did do a nice talk about this sister who passed away.
her and her husband had pioneered for many years, but she succumbed to cancer.. in his closing remarks, of course he talked about the resurrection, and remarked how the husband (still alive) would soon be back together with his wife.. certainly fine thoughts, but imagine if this guy ended up getting remarried?
isn’t that putting a lot of pressure on someone, when it isn’t even mentioned in the bible at all?.
If resurrection is true, it will never be with your former partner. Just imagine: widow(er) remarries, both die, and will meet former partner.....
The whole "you will be with your loved one(s)" is a marketing effort. Not based on the scriptures at all but meeting a sentiment in humans.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
Well, the vaccine may not contain blood but they (like for most vaccines) make use of:
According to Science magazine, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at least five of the potential COVID-19 vaccines being developed use cell lines from one of two aborted babies
So, I guess all Christians and JW's might reconsider using vaccines in general.
diego maradona apparently died yesterday, 11-25-2020, from a heart attack aged 60.. on the football pitch he was a genius, a footballer of outrageous talent.
btw i'm english, and like many of my compatriots, i remember how disgraceful his cheating was in the quarter finals of the 1986 world cup against england.
he clearly deliberately punched the football into the net, and that goal should not have been allowed.
I agree he was a very talented or gifted player. I tend to think others were better in the sense they were also more like a captain.
Nevertheless, we all know about the first goal. Personally I also have my doubts if the second goal was made by Maradona. If you look very carefully, at 2:28 mark, it seems the defender is actually moving the ball in his own goal. Still an amazing solo, but the sliding the defender makes, move the ball in his own goal. I do not think Maradona was able to kick the ball. But I can be wrong, not good to see. Would be interesting to do it frame by frame with better quality.
Pity he had to end this way. The danger of fame and wealth when you are coming from the poor neighbourhoods. I enjoyed his games.